Taurtis X reader You Don't Have to Try~

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(Based on the song, Try, by Colbie Calant) (H/L- hair length,H/C- hair color)

put your makeup on
Get your nails done
Curl your hair
Run the extra mile
Keep it slim
So they like you

You looked at yourself in the mirror one last time. You let out a sigh, and looked back at the person in the mirror. Your h/l, h/c hair was put up into a bun, a style of hair you hate. Your face was covered in makeup, and you hated that as well. But that didn't mater. You had to fit in and be the same as everyone else. How else would anyone else notice you?
(You have some messed up logic)
You looked down at your phone. It was covered in alerts from Instagram and Twitter. You weren't one for selfies or Social media at that. But again, you needed one to fit in. The clock read 9:00 pm. The party started at 9:00, so you had to wait until 9:15, so you could be fashionably late. You looked at the mirror again. You noticed your Fall Out 4 shirt, jeans, and converse on your bed (sorry is that's not your style.) you had exchanged the outfit for a pink top that exposed your stomach and skin-tight jeans. To top it off, you had on boots. Ugg boots! Shoes your swore you would never put on. A tear escaped your eye. No! Y/N stop it! This is what you need to stay on top. To keep Taurtis, to keep your reputation.
You thought of Taurtis. He only loved the fake you. If he knew the real you, he would leave for sure. You heard a knock on your door. Forgetting about everything, you let whoever it was in.
"Hey!" Taurtis said, leaving a small, light kiss on your lips.
"Hi."  You saw Taurtis eye your Fall out 4 shirt. "Is that.."
"Um, I.. Ah..."
"Y/N, what have you been hiding?"
"Nothing, this is just, it's my sisters."
"You are an only child."
You looked at Taurtis, you felt tears escape your eyes.
"Oh, Y/N." He pulled you into a hug and you sobbed into his shirt. You pulled away and looks at him. He had a gentle smile, and looked at you.
"Taurtis. I need to tell you something." You braced yourself "this isn't me."
He cut you off, his lips pressed against yours gently. When he pulled away, he looked at you and said, "you really like things like video games and you hate makeup and other things, and you only said you like it because you were afraid of loosing me?"
You were shocked he knew. "How?"
"Because Y/N, I knew it wasn't you. And I want to know you. The real you." 
He pulled you in for a hug.
"Then, let's stay home from that party and just play some video games." You said.
Taurtis nodded and was about to let you change, but he stopped at the door, "and Y/N, I hope you like you, cause I like the real you."

Take your makeup off
Let your hair down
Take a breath
Look into the mirror at yourself
Do you like you?
Cause I like you....

I gunna get deep for a sec

I know, and don't lie to me, that all of you have at least once changed you to please someone. And trust me, I have too. But, just know, that you don't need to. And if you think that no one will like you otherwise, then know that I WILL ALWAYS LIKE YOU FOR YOU CUSE I CARE ABOUT EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU! So you can vent to me via message. Oh and you know who else loves you for you, God. He made you..you, so if course he loves the real you. And if you just be yourself, people will accept you. Being myself got me amazing Friends like
EstellaHedges Sword_Strider Sweetj03 7indygirl Infinity_Faith_ it even got me here and to all of you. So always be yourself, there is no good reason not to be, and if you ever doubt it, tell me, I'll listen.

Thanks Daisies!
Hugs,Kisses, and Cookies.

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