A/N Truth Telling

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This will be very very depressing, maybe triggering for some, but it needs to be done.

So, updates have been coming very very slow, and i'm sorry.

Do expect a 4th of July one-shot, that will be happening.

But for reasons on low updates, there's lots.

1)My grandpa, hes doing much better. But i've been at my grandmas a lot so i can help her around the house.  My papaw is not able to walk and my grandma has a hard time getting around. My cousins are active in 4H and have social lives.
My little sister has a hard time staying away from home longer than a night.

So that leaves me. I'll stay at my grandmas for weeks on end. And that's actually a good thing and you'll see why.

The only downside is my grandma does not have wifi.

And I don't have a phone that had internet. (I'm using a ipod now)

So theres that.

2)my Mom
I'm gunna sound like a total basic teenager saying how "i hate my mom" and stuff, but thats not the full story.
And i know Dirk_Strider_ can back me up here.

My mom is very strict. She is against me having internet friends, doesn't understand the Internet (so if she knew about my wattpad, and my YouTube obsession i'd be dead) and her constant wanting of perfection stresses me out and feeds into my depression.
I cant be myself around her.

My online friends and Dirk_Strider_ and my friends Leo, Kennetay and Paige are the only people I consider friends now and Matt's the only one i trust. In fact, i've been writing this over the course of two days and just last night my depression and occasional anxiety thought it would be fun to act up. It got to the point where i was about to cut. Like i had the knife in my hand.

But i stopped.  I told myself "Matt doesn't want this"

Matt did everything he could just to make me happy. He sang some...special...covers of Frozen songs and just made me happy. No one else has ever done that for me.

But the reasons Friends are a problem...
•my mom wont approve of my friends
•the friends she does approve of moved on. Who wants to be friends with a depressed teen who can't love herself?

I'm scared of myself.
My imagination can take me different places.
While staring at a wall, i thought about a cute one shot and Matt leaving me cuz i started to cut.

I support the LGBT community. And theres reasons for that i'm not ready to share yet. And it scares me what would happen if anyone other than the friends i mentioned before knew. Anyone other than the people i mentioned before (not my mom.) are against gay rights. And i can't tell them how i feel.
And that scares me

It scares me that i found out a youtuber 11 years older than me had a girlfriend and i felt hurt and betrayed, but not jealous. I was happy and some other feeling i don't know.
But i was not jealous. Chill.

5)you don't know me

You guys don't know me
Daisy is not a real person.
But if i told you who i really was, i know you would all go. Because i highly doubt your image of me is...me.

Those things make updating hard. I know, those are all mental things. But they effect me. And all of them put together makes this big ball of depression that i can't control but i can't tell my parents about because they wouldn't believe me.

Thanks for caring
I guess

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