Tusundere! SamXreader

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If you didn't know
Tusundere- someone who is mean and hostile to someone before warming up over time. So ya! Suggested by @supermariell100

You were the new kid. No friends. No one to talk to.

And you were tired of that.
It was the day you were determined to make a friend.

And 3 boys had your attention.

You walked into the store, hopping the boys would be there. And they were.

You approached them.
"Uh.. Hi." You said meekly.

The boys turned around.
The blonde one, named Grian, looked at you.
"Hi... Er- Y/N, right?"
You nodded.
"Hoe did you know her?" Taurtis asked.
"She is in our class."
Sam muttered something under his breath. "She is the stupidest one, too."
You shook off his comment.
"You want to sit with us today? You seem cool?"
Well, 2/3 an't bad!
"Do i need to be cool to fit in your club or something?" You joked.
"Yes. And your not
cool enough. Go talk to some nerd like yourself." Sam spat.
You looked down.
"Sam?! That the heck?!" Grian said asked.
Taurtis put his arm around you. "Don't listen to him." Taurtis said, looking at Sam. "He doesn't know what he is talking about." You nodded as Grian and Taurtis walked you out of the store, leaving Sam behind.

~~~Sam's POV~~~

URG!!! Why does y/n always have to do this?!
First she moves here and all attention is on her
Then she becomes Okomi's favorite
Then steals my friends!!!???

~~random POV~~

You sat with Taurtis, Grian, and Sam. You guys had become friends. Sam still hated you, you thought. He hadn't said an insult to you all week. Little bit better. Sam had become quite, too. He still teased Dom, but around you, keep quite.

|~~~~ one day~~~~|

You and Sam were alone. Taurtis was sick and Grian went back home for a visit.

"Sam, why did you used to say all of those things to me?"

Sam looked down. "I promised myself i would be on top again, so making you so hurt you could leave was my plan"

You puzzled "on top?"

Sam nodded. "You got attention. I wanted some too."

You sat silently. "Then why haven't you said a single mean thing to me?"

"I figured i could break one promise." Sam said, smiling at you before looking back down.
I will edit this later

I had no flipping idea what to do

Yandere high boy x Reader one-shotsWhere stories live. Discover now