a/n hey idea for new story

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Hey. So I have this story idea for like contests or something so I want some opinions so ya...

Here it is...

It’s funny how one word could change someone’s look on life. Its funny how a number, something that only has importance in math and counting time, could have so much extra value added to it. It funny how you learn about things in health class you imagine never will affect you, so you tune out and don’t pay attention, could suddenly affect you. It hold you by the neck, choking you and drawing all the air out for your lungs, making your chest burn with pain. It’s grip is so strong you feel your body go numb and your vision starts to spin. It determines what happens to you in the next few seconds.

He wished he payed more attention in biology or in health. Maybe, just maybe, he would have known how to prevent this. Known how to fight off this monster that slowly eating away at him, draining him of his will to live.

When you're a kid, you believe in this monster under the bed. Some big scary black creature with big teeth and evil claws. It turns out to be nothing more than a shadow, but you don’t realize that. You can’t comprehend that. So it remains a monster, keeping you awake and causing you to lose sleep. When you're fifteen you're afraid of not wearing the right clothes or not having somewhere to belong. You're afraid to talk to the pretty girl because you don't want to be turned down. You're afraid of the football team, who could easily rip you in two.

Or… That’s what you’re supposed to be afraid of.

*    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *    *

Blaize looked blankly at the concrete wall. It was white, reminding him of  a prison. That's all high school is, right? A prison. You’re told what to do and when to eat, trapped under the cheap fluorescent lights. Blaize felt his auburn hair fall in his face. He needed a haircut. He moved his hair away from his brown eyes. He tried to pay attention to his english class. He really did. He could only be so interested in comma splices and semicolons.

His name was called. What could she possibly want?

“Mr. Santella, since you clearly already know about the use of a semi colon, please, tell us, when is it not appropriate to use a semicolon? “

Blaize felt the eyes of his peers on him. They watched like wolves watch their prey, watching to see what happens next, when the perfect time to make fun of him would be.

He felt something touch his leg. Blaize looked up to see his blue haired savoir holding a note. He meet her deep green eyes and smiled in relief. Jaylen saved him, once again. He peered down at the note.

           “When combining an independent clause and a phrase of subcordoniatre clause.” Blaize finished, smiling awkwardly. He heard Jaylen chuckle under her breath. The teacher shook her head and continued with the lesson, feeling defeated. Blaize turned over to look at Jaylen. He smiled a mouthed out a “thank you.” Jaylen smiled and nodded. She was always rather quiet and a good student. She had to be, if she wanted to be a robotics engineer.

    Blaize let out a sigh. He felt tired. He was tired. He definitely didn’t get enough sleep. He stayed up most nights thinking about what was wrong with his life. What went wrong...He knew what went wrong. He knew that monster was there forever. He was always going to have this horrible thing in him, filling him with dread and making him feel as if he was slowly withering away, taking away his life. Leaving him with nothing.

    The bell rung, drawing Blaize away from his thoughts. He grabbed his backpack and let it rest on one shoulder. Blaize drew in a breath and sighed, walking out into the hall. Some kid bumped hit his shoulder, walking away without even apologizing. Blaize shook his head. He felt a gentle hand on his shoulder. He turned around to see Jaylen. His best friend of 6 years and the very person who just saved him from public humiliation. Jaylen gave a small smile, her eyes deep green pools of reassurance. Jaylen was a beacon of hope in the struggle that was Blaize’s life.  

“Kannon is having a Karate Kid marathon tonight... You should come by.” Jaylen said, he voice soft and smooth.

Blaize nodded, looking at his feet. “I’ll see about it.”

Jaylen fidgeted with the bracelet on her wrist. The two of them had art next. It was Blaize’s favorite class. He wasn’t good at art but he like how colors always go together, creating a feeling when you look at it. It’s like the art talks, the colors the words.

Jaylen was an amazing artists. She had a gift. Blazie didn’t have a gift. He was boring. A waste of space. Had no reason to be alive.

“Flame, get your project” Jaylen snapped her fingers in Blaize’s ear. Blaize smiled

“Ya...ok…” Blaize grabbed his piece. The current assignment was to draw something that they thought of when given a word. Blaize's table has the word  ‘spicy’. It wasn’t much of a challenge, but he still was having a hard time, of course.

Jaylen had the word ‘stereotyped’. She was drawing a small boy, not much older than 5. His cheeks were cubby and his smile wide. His eyes were dark and deep, but still full of hope and joy. His skin was color of coffee with cream, his hair was cut short and curly, it was the color of the night. The small boy was holding a gun. Jaylen explained it as she felt anyone who was of that color was assumed to be a shooter and a killer, the root of all bad. She wanted to capture that.

Blaize was drawing a sriracha bottle.

Blaize grabbed his art and walked over to his table. By this time, his table “partner” sat down. She was tall, pale, and what could be the definition beautiful. Her hair was blonde and hit the middle of her back, curling at the ends. Her ears had about 4 piercings each ear. She smiled at Blazie, her blue eyes sparkled and her cheeks turned pink. “Hi Blazie!” Her voice chirped. She gave off this persona of a cheery girl, but she had an obsession with ghosts, horror movies, and anything supernatural.

“H-hey Paislee…”

Did I mention Blaize has practically fell head over heels for this girl?

Paislee was drawing a man harvesting red peppers. She was using watercolors as her medium. Blaize couldn’t help but continue to look up at her as she worked. Her hair was pulled over in front of her left shoulder. She moved her brush in careful and slow strokes across the paper. Everything she did was beautiful.

Paislee continued to work as she spoke, her brush moving in the same time as her words. Fast, yet smooth and even. “

    “Did you know that 9/11 was actually put on by the government to distract you from them actually taking over."

I have only done that much. Let me know what you think.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2018 ⏰

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