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Humility is humble submission. It is a willingness to serve others without complaint, to overlook harm from others with a smile and forgiveness. It is a desire to serve others and to please GOD. It is a desire to serve GOD at all times with hopeful expectations, to be compliant, a willing spirit always ready to serve GOD and others.

Humility is also willing to take a back seat - the last chair, the furthest position, to be in the background, to be unnoticed.

It is the person who is forgotten because they are so lowly, they blend into the scenery. They do not want center stage. They want to be hidden away, quiet, unassuming, submissive to GOD. This is humility, daughter and this is MY bride. She is all these things.

Do you see your errors now daughter?

Let US continue...

What is being humble? It is working behind the scenes but not desiring the lime light. It is complete submission to GOD. It is seeking to obey GOD in all things.

Humility is not worrying about what other people think of you. It is doing for others without receiving credit. It is desiring favor from GOD and not men. It is growing in favor with GOD and pleasing GOD.

It is quiet and unassuming.

It is growing in GOD.

It is being CHRIST-like.

Humility is most beautiful to GOD. A humble, GOD-fearing person shines in GOD's Eyes.

Humility is wanting to please GOD and walk in His Path. To be lowly and not think well of yourself and to not think yourself better than others, to consider yourself below others, and to not judge those around you.

I am the only ONE to judge. It does not mean you are to be abased. It means you are to respect others' feelings even if they stumble and not to belittle them in your heart, to have compassion for them because you too are not beyond sinning before a Holy GOD.

This is what happens when someone is humble. They create a wonderful testimony. They shine in MY Kingdom, in MY Eyes. They receive the Ear of GOD. I listen to MY humble servants when they cry out to ME.

I would go to any extreme to save MY humble servants. I will move heaven and earth for MY humble servants.

Do you understand this, MY daughter?

MY humble servants are devoted to ME. They understand that they cannot do anything without ME. They are always seeking ME in all ways like a child seeks its parent. This is MY humble servant.

They have no self will.

They trust only ME in their daily walk.

They search ME for their answers.

They trust ME wholeheartedly and I answer them.

I give them MY Best because they seek ME above all others for answers. They are humble and glorious in MY Sight.

They have a soft-spoken beauty about them. They are not like the world around them.

They stand out from the crowd. Their beauty is GOD-like and heavenly.

This is how heaven is - full of people secure in their GOD because I meet all their needs. There is no need to be brash or rude, arrogant or prideful. All their needs are met through ME.

They are content, willing to serve, and happy to serve because I fulfill all their needs, all the time. No one vies for attention in MY heavenlies.
Everyone is content. It is a place of purity, peace, calm, love, laughter, joy.

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