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Let US begin again.
(February 7, 2012)

Now I want to talk about “forgiveness.”

Children, I want to speak to you about this matter of forgiveness.

MY children are unforgiving in their hearts storing up grievances against each other. I cannot forgive those who don’t forgive.

Is this clear?

How can I forgive you, if you, yourself cannot forgive those around you? Does not MY Word speak of this? Forgiveness is love. Unforgiveness leads to all kinds of sin: bitterness, revenge, wrongful judging, and on and on… It gives a foothold to the enemy to come in and destroy you.

This keeps you from closeness, intimacy with ME, your GOD, and keeps you from receiving MY SPIRIT. This is serious.

If you are unforgiving, you cannot be ready for MY Soon Return. This will hold you back. It separates US.

Leave this unforgiveness behind. Forgive each other. Lay down your anger toward each other. What do you gain when you harbor anger toward someone else? You suffer more than the person you are angry with, can you not see this?

Is your eternal salvation worth harboring anger toward another?

You must search your heart and ask this question. What is worth losing your eternal soul over… a petty dispute?

Forgive and walk away and feel a dark cloud lift. Even if the other person won’t forgive you, pray for them, yes pray for your enemies.

Pray for them with a sincere heart and I will warm your heart to those who harm you. I will give you a heart of flesh.

How can you expect those who do not walk in MY Way and those who do not possess MY HOLY SPIRIT to treat you as if they do?

You must render patience, kindness, longsuffering to those who do not know ME. It is impossible for those who do not know ME, truly know ME, to behave as if they do.

Can you not see this?

You cannot expect this from those who walk apart from ME.

The world thinks it can run apart from its GOD. It fools itself. Only I hold everything together. Only I bring the right way to live, to men.

This world, that shuns ME, lives under false direction and evil deception. It all has become so evil. There is no truth, only compromise and deceit. Apart from MY Perfect Ways, mankind lives under deception and corruption. Nothing or no one can be trusted.

Only MY bride, who remains in the earth and walks in MY Perfect Will, is on the straight path. Only she is stable and true. All others walk the unreliable path of evil—unstable in all its ways.

Soon the bride will be removed and the world will lose all its light. Darkness will be all consuming. This day approaches. Forgiveness: the key to making your way back to ME. Forgive everyone. There is no unforgiveness worth losing your very soul for…

Daughter, this is your LORD Speaking.
Let US begin:

Now I want to offer instruction in living with others. Too many have disregard for each other - little patience, little respect. This is all leading to strife. It leads to discontent, hurt feelings.

MY children are selfish. They want to be first in all things. They are very insensitive to the needs of others; they fall short in caring for others. This leads to arguments, anger.

Children I am saddened by this, but the crux of the problem stems from self- centeredness. This comes from a lack of humility.

Only from a humble heart will you be able to live among each other successfully.

You must lay down your desires and give so those around you remain content.

This requires taking a back seat to all those around you. This is the way of the humble. This produces fruit: peace, contentment, pleasant environment.
Few learn to live like this. Few find this Truth. But it is the way of peace, MY Way.

I give these rules for life so that MY children can live in peace and contentment, yet they choose their own way and ultimately have strife and much discontent.

When will they learn MY Road is the best Road to travel?

I know everything. I know how MY children can best live together. I give rules and precepts to guide MY children into homes of peaceful dwelling and contentment. This, of course, requires that MY children lay down their ways and desires and follow MY Rules.

Selfish choices lead to unhappy homes. Let ME Rule over your home… let ME Reign in your hearts.

MY Way is Calm, Peace, Love. I will bring your home into the happy dwelling I meant for MY children. Submit your hearts to ME willingly and I will rain down tranquility.

Your household will exude quiet assurance, love, and peaceful living. Walk in paths of quiet contentment, humility, and caring for others’ feelings bring fruit of satisfaction. Let ME rule over your household and I will deliver a home of gladness and joy.

Supporting Scriptures:

Matthew 6:14
Mark 11:25
Matthew 5:44-45
Luke 6:37
Proverbs 15:33
Psalms 34:14
Psalms 37:11


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