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Let US begin again. Now it is time for ME to talk about a new topic: Children, the hour approaches for the time of MY Soon Descent. This comes quickly.

Many, so many are not ready, so many are falling away... so many have never been ready. There are many changes about to take place in the world.

I want you to come to terms with this Truth.

Children, the hour approaches of MY Soon Return, I see that very many are not ready. Many believe they are ready but are not.

Many are still cavorting with the world. This cannot be, MY children. You must break your ties with the world.

She is a sinking ship and she will take you down with her.

MY children, I do not value the time you spend apart from ME chasing the things of the world. You seek answers through the world. It cannot be MY children.

You are looking at empty hope... empty promises... and empty truth. Your loss will be great if you continue down this empty rabbit hole. It is leading to disaster.

Why do you persist in believing that the world holds any truth for you apart from MY Truth? I AM TRUTH!

Children, listen closely, your time is running out. You have little time to pull yourself together. It is now time to prepare. If you plan to come with ME, you must focus on MY Coming.

MY enemy is preparing to make his move very soon.

His plans will only be altered some by MY Coming.
Do you not see, MY children that you should be wide-eyed and ready for the events that are about to take place?

Soon, no one will not be affected by the changes coming over the earth. Either you are coming with ME out to safety or you will stay and deal with MY enemy and the wrath to come.

This day is coming, MY children. It is coming and no one can stop it. You need to make yourselves ready as the hour is nearing. It is coming swiftly.
Come to know ME. There is no other way. If you don't make time to get to know ME, you cannot come out with ME to safety.

You must surrender your all to ME. I am waiting on you, children. Who will come to ME in full surrender?

Who will come to know ME, really know ME? This is what I require.

I made a way for you. I have prepared a way. I have paid a large price for your ransom unto freedom so that you might be able to join ME when I come for MY bride.

She is ready and I am coming for her.

The price I paid was huge. No one else could have done what I did.

Only I could have accomplished what I did.

Only I could have paid such a great price - GOD WHO comes to the level of being crushed for mankind. This price cannot be calculated.

No value can be placed on such an act. There is no amount that would ever cover the price that was paid.

Children, do not reject such a Gift. Come, I give it freely to you.

Please consider this offer. It waits for you to take it and become free, free to come out with ME when I pull MY children to freedom.

It is all yours - you must come and surrender. Give ME your all in all.

This is what I ask of you. If you do not make yourselves MINE, you are still MY enemy's. You are not your own.

You either belong to ME or MY enemy. Choose to be MINE. I await your answer.

Supporting Scriptures:
1 John 2:15
Isaiah 52:14


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