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Yes daughter, WE can begin.

Susan, this is what I want to talk about today: The sin that rises up in the hearts of men - it is the sin of lust for the world. All the ways of the world are evil, evil men inspiring evil acts. All that the world does is apart from GOD.

The world is not in MY Will, so it is not of MY Will.

The world often professes to know ME, but it is far from ME and MY Truth. It runs full force in the direction that it willfully wants to go in without ever consulting ME, its MAKER. This is evil.

To run outside of MY Will is evil. The only will that is not evil is MY Will.

Do you not see this MY children? How can this world move in the direction of GOD now when it has gotten so far from WHO I am and what I stand for?

I stand for holiness, purity of heart, law and order, truth and morality. This world challenges all MY Ways and doesn't even come close to what MY Book sets out as Truth and MY Everlasting Way.

The world maligns ME and MY Ways every chance it gets and those who follow ME. MY Ways are not respected or revered. If they were, this world would not experience the woes, hardships, disease, and sadness that overwhelms it.

MY Way brings blessings. The world's way brings cursings and cursings abound.

Only those who really walk close to MY Word and ME receive the peace and calm that I deliver even in the worst circumstances.

This is MY bride who follows ME without flinching.

She knows ME.
She loves ME.
She does not get far from ME.
She knows I am her life source, her power, her love, her strength.

Where else can she go to receive this comfort?

She knows better than to leave MY Side for other lovers. I have been tried, tested, and true to her. I am her ALL in all. No one can take MY Place in her eyes.

The world does not know MY Love. It has settled for an inferior version of satisfaction.

How sad for those who follow after the world and its ways, believing this world system holds all the answers.

Soon, this world will lose its last remaining light when I remove MY bride from its midst. Once she is out of the picture, the world will then be a very dark, desolate place.

There will be nothing to look for that resembles a guiding light of Truth and Beauty, only gross ugliness and evil will ensue. This is the world soon-coming. This is what is about to take place.

A world that does not live by MY Laws and Precepts is like a ship without a rudder. This is a ship that is dead and dying, a sinking ship.

Soon children, you will see death and destruction like never before. Because this world has chosen to turn away from its GOD, its CREATOR. Don't be fooled.

The world cannot continue to exist apart from MY Truth and MY Ways. She is a sinking ship. It is time to get off this ship. Are you coming when I call out MY faithful ones?

Will you come after ME or will you stay behind clinging to the false hope that this world holds all your answers?

Are you still listening to wolves in sheep's clothing that nothing is wrong and all is well?

These wolves who do not really know ME, who have a form of godliness but deny the power thereof?

Are you going to continue to be misled and blinded because you enjoy the world too much?

Come partake of GOD and discover there is a Greater Truth, there is a Greater Peace, there is a Greater Love.

I am HE! Chase after ME, children!

Get to know ME.
I am worth pursuing.
I am worth knowing, devoting time to.

I am the ONE WHO brought you into being.

Do you not want to spend eternity with ME?

There is an alternative. It is a place that all the good of this life that comes from ME is missing.

Yes, all that is good in this world comes from ME. I Created it all. Without ME, none of the good things that you enjoy so and take for granted, that spring from the Heart of GOD, will you ever experience again.

So give this some serious thought. You decide: your eternity with or without GOD.

You choose, you decide. Am I taking you when I come to rescue MY bride?

This is your choice.

But there are prices to be paid. You must step away from your love and pursuit of the world because the world's way is not MY Way.

I will let you come to a decision about the direction you choose. Very few are choosing MY Way, very few...

Supporting Scriptures:
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
2 Thessalonians 2:6-7
2 Timothy 3:5
1 John 2:15


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