I wish all this was a nightmare

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I wish it was all a nightmare

The next day, Aliya woke up with her head weighing like she was carrying heavy weight on it, except , the weight was her worries about her future or technically her sinuses are filled and inflamed from her crying the whole previous night. She did not realize when she slipped into sleep tired of crying.

She looked at the clock on the night stand and realized ,its past 9. She never woke up that late. Being brought up in a boarding school, she never missed the sun rise. She loves to start her day with a long walk  while the sun is rising .

But that day was entirely different. When she remembered what she learned about her life, She felt sick in her stomach. She ran to bathroom and the minute she was in front of the commode , her knees gave in and she leaned on the floor on her knees trying to vomit out . But nothing came out except for bitter gastric juices making her further nauseous.

By the time she finished her chores and took a hot water bath to freshen herself, she saw her maid waiting for her in the room. She came to inform Aliya that her sister Sunayna wanted to talk to her and was waiting in downstairs hall.

The thought of Sunayna made Aliya's stomach burn from the pain of betrayal or she was just hungry as she did not eat anything the before evening. What ever it was, she cannot be weak at this moment . She had to fight her own battle. She had to be strong. She told herself she would never give up on her life and followed the maid to meet her sister.

When Aliya entered the dining hall, she saw Sunayna sitting at the large chair , in the end facing other chairs like it was meant for the queen, she was. On one side of the table the chairs were occupied by Arush's father and elder brother (sunayna's husband). On the other side Arush sat and a chair was unoccupied right next to him..

Arush pulled the chair next to him gesturing Aliya to sit there.

Aliya paused in the middle of the way , not knowing how to react, as facing Arush is the last thing on her to do list for today. She had bigger problems to take care of .

"Aliya... Come and take a seat and have breakfast with us. We have very important things to discuss with you today.." sunayna said as sweetly as ever.But her sweetness only stung Aliya in her heart.

Aliya knew what they wanted to discuss. And she was not ready for that.

She moved forward and took a seat far away from Arush. She could see him from her lateral view making a fist out of anger. But that bothered Aliya the least.She had too much on her plate for the day and she wanted to deal with things one at a time.

"As I heard Uncle Roy must have briefed you with everything you needed to know. Now I want you to understand that it is your responsibility to oblige to this for your family. Now we have a lot of things to work on as the auction is only a week ahead. " Sunayna said casually while eating her breakfast and sipping her tea.

'What responsibility is this lady talking about.. How could she so easily say that I should sell myself and become a slave for the family who never bothered to show their faces for the past ten years. I am not going to give in .. My parents would not want me to give up on myself and submit to these people. I do not want to submit. OH GOD give me courage to fight this battle.. give me strength ' Aliya told herself and made a silent prayer and decided to fight for herself.

"How could you do this to me ? If not from the same womb , I still share your blood.Don't you have little drop of mercy for me?. How do you expect me to oblige for something this terrible."Aliya started questioning her sister .

Tears rolled down her cheeks and that lead to a hysteric cry she did not expect from herself "And.. And.. Wh...Why should I do anything for the family , who did not bother weather, I was alive or dead,,,,, until the time has come when they can use me" She questioned her sister looking straight into her eyes.

Sunayna was shocked by Aliyas reaction. She expected her sister to submit herself like she always do. She looked at Aliya for sometime with out blinking with a frown on her forehead.

The expression on her sisters face made Aliya believe for few seconds that she must be reconsidering her plans . Aliya looked at her sister expectantly to react and say ' You are right . I am sorry. I will think of a way to get past through this.' But who was Aliya kidding. Sunayana slowly sipped her tea and looked at Arush who was also shocked by Aliya's sudden courage to speak up.

"So Arush. I would't be disturbing you if, I ask you to escort Aliya for the photo shoot she has today?" Sunayna asked Arush.

Aliya looked at her sister surprised listening to her saying photo shoot.      ' what photo shoot are they talking about '

"Of course not ... It would be my pleasure to do that." Arush answered excited and turned to look at Aliya with a smirk on his face.

Aliya frowned with tears still in her eyes and her cheeks wet. She could sense something terrible is going to happen from their conversation.

"Well .. On the way to the studio I want you to pick up the dress and take a maid along , as our model could be handful.." sunayana talked not bothering to look at Aliya or give her any explanation.

Aliya had to find out. It was killing her. " What are you talking about ? Whats the photo shoot for? " Aliya asked taking short breaths trying to suck in her sobs.

Sunayna gave a big smile to Aliya "Of course the photo shoot is for you sweetie. We are going to add your portfolio along with the invitations for the auction , so people would have an idea what they are going after and the hotter you look the more money we get. I am planning to have a summer home and don't worry I will name it after you."

Each word of sunayna shot Aliya like a bullet . She could not take it anymore.. How could she have so much hatred and yet act very sweet . Her freedom is worth just a summer home to her sister. She wished all this was a bad dream and she wake up soon . she slowly stood up to walk near her sister to beg her this time as she realized, there is no use fighting. She could at least beg her for freedom..' But her steps became harder and harder and next thing she realized she was on the floor and everything started getting darker .

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