Uninvited guest

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"Your bill is already paid mam." the man at the counter answered handing her the paid bill.

" What..? No I didn't pay yet." She said in a confused tone.

"I did.."

She heard a familiar voice from behind making her heart gallop a million miles.

She turned very reluctantly shrinking her eyes hoping he would disappear.
But the sight of the very person left her shocked.

"Ahil..!" She exclaimed out loud.
Out of all the people that were chasing her, she least expected to meet him.
"What are you doing here?" She asked him worried about his intentions.

Guilt was smeared all over his face. He looked anywhere else but at her beautiful innocent eyes. Just one glance at them can drown him into infernal guilt. He was there not to save her but to drag her back to the hell he helped her escape.

Aliya looked at him more confused as she waited for him to answer.
She pulled the bundle out of her oversized jacket and asked him
"Are you here for this?" She held the money out. " Sorry.. I thought you put this in your jacket deliberately to help me."

The sight of the money fazed his thoughts. If it was not for the money, he wouldn't have been caught helping her. He decided to be strong to do what he had to do. He leaned forward to her saying

"I am sorry Aliya.." And held a cloth against her nose gripping her neck for support.

Aliya's innocent eyes widened in shock. She struggled through his bondage but as the drug from the cloth passed through her lungs, her struggles muffled and left her unconscious in his arms.

The next time she woke up, Aliya felt the soft bed under her. She tried to move but was in vain as her hands were tied behind her back. Then the realization hit her. She opened her heavy eyes to feel herself lying on a luxurious bed. Her eyes roamed all around the room to register where she was. The room looked very simple yet exquisite. The wall infront of her held nothing but a painting which looked original. The furniture was very minimal but looked antique. She thought whose ever this house was must be very rich. Suddenly realization hit her like a wave. Ahil.. Ahil was the one she met last. How could he? How could he do this to her? She tried to get up from the bed but fell back as her hands and legs were tied. She lied there helplessly looking at the ceiling and waited for her captor to show himself in.

As she waited she heard the sound of the door being opened and revealed Ahil standing there with a food package in his hand. She looked at him and turned back to the ceiling as the sight of him made her feel deceived and tears rolled through her eyes. She went through all the hell for being caught and bound by some one she trusted. She hated that Ahil was even standing there in the same room. She wanted him to disappear immediately. Her heart couldn't take anymore betrayal.

Ahil placed the package on the night stand and climbed on the bed . He removed the ropes on her legs first and made her sit cross legged in front of him. He could clearly see the anger burning in her eyes. If she looked at him any longer, he would die. Die of guilt.

He moved closer to her to untie the bondage on her wrists.

" I am going to untie you so you can eat the food that I brought you. "

As he untied her, her hand travelled in a jet speed and landed as slap on his cheek causing him to flinch for a fraction in pain. Blood boiled through his veins but he controlled himself as he knew he deserved it. The slap reminded him that this was not the first time she slapped him which means this was not the first time he disappointed her. Cursing himself to be in the situation he was in, he stopped the other slap which was already on its way by holding her hands behind her.

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