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Aliya resisted Ahil's hold on her while he tried to drag her towards the car. She stood on her ground not moving, though it was hard for her to withstand his strength. She turned to him.

"Please wait..." She asked him pulling her arm away from him.

Ahil turned back clearly frustrated.

"What now?"

" I know her. " she told, pointing the children near the tree.

Ahil looked at the girls.

" Really? Where did you two meet? In your dreams? " he asked her with sarcasm over flowing.

" No. I never met her. But I am sure who her parents are. We should help the kid. " she told him hoping he would agree.

Ahil pinched the bridge of his nose irritated by her sudden requisitions.

" You should listen to yourself." He let out a humourless laugh. " seriously. Do you know what you are asking for? You want to protect a girl you found on road and alleged that you know her while you don't have a f*cking security for your own life. " he told her shaking his head in disbelief.

His words angered her.

She pulled her arms away from his and moved back saying.
" I am not coming with out her. " she told him folding her arms like a stubborn child.

" I know how to take you. "With that being said he picked her up bridal style and took her towards the car disregarding her protests.

" Ahil.. Put me down. Please... Ahil. " she begged him while he placed her in the car trunk this time.

Before she could get up he closed the trunk.

Aliya's screams came out muffled through the trunk while she kicked it loud enough to earn the attention of the by passers. They gave Ahil a suspicious look but no one bothered to enquire.

Once they reached the motel, Ahil took a room which has a private entry and parked his car near by. It wasn't hard for him to take her in forcefully with out people noticing.

Once inside the room Ahil dropped her and he too laid back on the soft bed.

Aliya got up immediately and sat at the edge of bed as her anger edged at him for throwing her in the trunk as she felt claustrophobic in there.

She turned in his direction and looked at him. He got up and switched on the television and began to remove his clothes to use the bathroom. Her frustration grew more at this obliviousness. She knew her anger was not going to get her anywhere. She decided to change her approach.

Calming herself, She walked around the bed and reached him.

She moved closer to him standing just a few inches away. She could smell the familiar scent.

Looking at her coming closer, Ahil stood up towering on her short frame.

Aliya did not lift her head to look up as his body raised above her. She didn't want to look into his eyes.

She passed her fingers on his chest feeling the soft fabric above the hard body and moved them towards the first button.

She flipped it open revealing his hairy chest.

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