The plan

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   After Ahil has devised a plan, he asked Aliya to join him. She did, with out asking much questions.

When they reached the car, he pulled the jacket from the back seat which he gave her before to escape from Arush and searched for something on the inner side of it.

"What are you looking for?" Aliya asked him noticing his actions.

He searched with out answering her. After a lot of fiddling his face lightened at the site of a small one centimetre to paper sticker which looked like a price tag.

He peeled it off the jacket and smiled holding it up.

Turning to Aliya, he said " You are going to go to the girl this time and give her some money and while you do that, you have to stick it on her dress with out any one noticing. "

Aliya took the small sticker from Ahil and looked at it bewildered.

" What is this thing?"

" It's a tracker. It's connected to the maps in my phone. It tells us where she is. "

It took her a while to understand and was shocked looking at the tracker coming out of the jacket he gave her.

" Is this how you found out where I was?" She asked him angrily.

"Yes. " he said nonchalantly.

Aliya's anger reached its crest.

" How could you do that? You played me. You made me think you helped me while you have been tracking me to plot a trap for me. What kinda sick game are you playing with me?" She asked him raising her voice with each word.

Ahil looked at her distressed face. He tracked her just to know if she was safe. He knew it was not at all safe for a women to run on streets hiding from her own predators. She could have been caught by some gang and raped or sold by traffickers. But he couldn't tell her that when he was taking her to be sold by her family. He turned away feeling guilty.

masking his feelings he turned back with a smirk .
" If I am playing a game, you are the pawn. You better not question my instincts. Or I might be forced to show you the hard way. " he told her bitterly.

His words made her blood boil. She hated nothing more than him at the moment. The next person she hated was herself to be at his mercy. She turned away disgusted by him and looked outside the window.

Ahil started the car and drove it in the direction of the rest area they met the girl. This time they didn't communicate much. They were lost in their own thoughts.

When they reached their destination, Aliya spotted the girl begging again from some family. She turned to Ahil waiting for his signal. He looked around and when he made sure the coast was clear, he handed her a hundred note and nodded at her.

Aliya got down immediately and made her way to the girl. While she was walking, so many thoughts passed in her mind. How was she even sure if that was the right girl. What would happen if she ends up taking the wrong girl to their parents? What would Ahil do ? Suddenly a sense of freedom came to her as she was walking alone with out no one hunting her from behind or no one binding her arms from her side. She felt like this after a long time.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath taking in all the air of freedom though she knew it was short lived.

As she walked towards the girl, she realised she was quite far from the car and Ahil. She could run. Away from Ahil. Away from her infernal future. Away from the responsibility she had recently taken up of saving the girl.

But, would she do that?

Absolutely not. She laughed at her weak heart and marched forward.

The sight of the small girl made her decision stronger. She was no one but who she thought she was. The girl looked so much like her father. For a while she lost herself  at the memory of the picture of her father she saw at the palace. She too had incurred many of her fathers features. She came back to the reality and swept her fingers across the girls cheek wiping away the dirt and gave her a warm smile.

"what's your name? "she asked while she passed her hand behind her slowly sticking the tracer inside the girls collar.

" jiya " the girl said with a sweet smile.

Aliya rested her hand on the girls shoulder for some more time pinching the tracer hard against the fabric of her shirt just to make sure it doesn't slip and get lost.

She retrieved her other hand and handed the girl the hundred note and turned back and walked away.

Jiya looked at the note in her hands and was shocked. She ran immediately behind the cafeteria.

Ahil who saw the whole ordeal ignited the car and kept it ready for Aliya to hop on. When she did, he took off into the high way.

After driving a few kilometers away he pulled by and stopped the engine.

Aliya looked around and looked at Ahil about to question his actions.

Ahil took his phone out and went through few apps typing few passwords. When he was happy with his work he stopped and put the phone in front opening maps showing a blinking red arrow.

Aliya watched him curiously and when he was done she asked him
" so? "

"So we will be waiting here until the sun set while tracking the girl's movements. "

Aliya raised her eyebrows still confused.

"And you will be massaging my hands. They are very sore from all the driving." he told her winking at her mischievously.

" And why would I be doing that?" She asked him narrowing her eyes.

"Because some one was saying ' please save the girl. I will do anything for you' " he enacted just like her with a comical tone. " And I believe that was you. " he ended his speech with a wide grin.

Aliya rolled her eyes breathing out all the air that is stacked up in her lungs, pulled his hand harshly and started massaging them.

"Ow oww ow... Do you call that a massage ? It's supposed to be relaxing." He yelled at her pulling away his hand.

" well I don't know. No one ever asked me to do such things. " she yelled back at him.

Ahil's face brightened like a bulb.

" I guess I have to teach you then." He said grinning widely.

With out giving her time to respond he pulled her hands and intertwined his fingers with hers.

He squeezed her fingers softly with his while pushing her hands behind making them to rest on the seat. He moved little closer to her to make his posture easy to giver her the massage.

Pressing her palms against the chair behind her he moved his hands down pressing them softly.

Aliya sank back into the chair and closed her eyes involuntarily.

Watching her enjoying his touch he moved his hands towards her shoulders and massaged her neck with his long fingers.

Aliya sucked in her breath as his hands moved farther and deeper. She lost herself. At the moment she didn't think of anything but the pleasure her nerves are carrying from his fingers.

Watching her loose herself he moved his hands down to her waist slowly.

A sudden sense of guilt smacked her awake from her world and she pushed him immediately.

"What happened?" He asked her confused.

"Nothing. " she said shaking her head
She didn't know what to tell him when she clearly enjoyed the pleasure of his hands. He face flushed looking around to find some diversion.

" I think I heard a beep from your phone. " she lied.

Ahil took the phone immediately and went through the tracking system while Aliya waited beat red hoping he wouldn't catch her lie.

Lucky for her he dropped the phone on her lap and started the engine with out saying anything.

Sorry guys for such a late update. I really had good reasons like my wedding for the delay. Anyway here I am and I will be updating often. 😃

Slave princessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora