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Ahil sat in a bar reminiscing all the events that led to this day. He couldn't believe he ended up in a situation like this where in he had to sabotage a girls life to save his father's. He thought hundred ways of saving Aliya. But anything could be done only after taking her back and proving his father not guilty. The thought of her made his heart Yelp as the sight of her innocent yet brave face appeared in his mind.

If things were different, may be their relation would be different. Even the thought made him feel guilty. He shouldn't think of her that way. He blamed alcohol for the thoughts and got up immediately from his chair and left the bar paying the bill.

As he was on his way to his guest house he spotted some one far away in the middle of the road asking for a lift. He almost reached his house but he slowed down anyway. As the car reached nearer the very person appeared to be a girl. And as he reached further she held her arms against her face not able to see through the high beam head lights of the car.

As he stopped the car she moved towards him and now he could see who it was.
He was suddenly knocked out of his drunken state.

Aliya could not see who was in the car as the bright head lights were blinding her vision.
A while after ahil left the home, Aliya  walked out of the bedroom to find herself in a empty house. She tried her luck at all the doors and found the back door unlocked. She ran out of the house immediately and found a car going by. She didn't think through about who it would be. She went towards the car asking for help. As soon as her vision focused on Ahil she shouted out loud like she witnessed a devil in the car.

She trudged away from and car and started to run into the woods.

Ahil got out of the car immediately and strode behind her into the dark woods. He could not see anything but can hear her foot steps. He just followed her stealthily. 

"Aliya..stop running.. Aliya.." He shouted into the darkness.

He could hear her foot steps slow down out of exhaustion but she did not stop or respond to his order.

"Aliya.. I know that you can hear me. You have to stop right now. You are leading both of us into the deep forest."

He could hear her foot steps alter at the sound of the word forest.

"Many dangerous animals live here. You don't want to be a meal for them. Don't you?" He asked her trying to ignite some fear in her.

He could hear her stop. By this time his eyes have adapted to the darkness and he could spot her in the moon light. She was standing under a tall tree hugging herself and looking around to figure out where she was.  She didn't seem to be adapted to the darkness yet.

"I wo..I would rather be a meal to an innocent animal than let a treacherous bastard take advantage of me." She shouted out into the air.

Ahil removed his shoes and slowly walked towards her from behind without making sound.

Aliya sensed someone behind her and moved immediately but was stopped by Ahil grabbing her hands from behind. She gave a sharp shrill cry and tried to wiggle but he wasted no time and bound her hands with his jacket sleeves.

"Leave me you son of a bit."
Ahil stopped her by closing her mouth with his hands.

"Don't swear Aliya. That's not who you are. "

"You don't know me Ahil. Besides people change according to the situations like you did." She answered him back.

"What makes you think I changed? I was never good. I am a bad man Aliya."
He told her looking into her eyes. His words sounded like a confession.

"I have never met a more confused person than you are." She told him turning towards him.

He frowned at her statement.
"What makes you think I am confused."

She rolled her eyes. 
"One minute you save me and the next minute you help people torture me. And when you come to kidnap me you confess about your situation like that's a good justification. "

She laughs at his confused face.

" You have to choose Ahil. You want to be the good guy or the bad guy. You can't be both.
Arush is way better than you at this. He plays his part of being an as* h*le right."

Anger boiled in Ahil as she compared him with Arush. He grabbed her arms tighter bruising her and made her look at him.

"I am a bad man Aliya. Don't test me. "
He told her sternly.

"Prove it ." She opened her eyes wider and challenged him.

Ahil raged as she tested him further. He lifted his hand to slap her. But his hand doesn't move further. He could not do that. He could not hurt her. He was not a bad person. His frustration grew. He pulled her towards him and slammed his lips harshly against hers and kissed her fiercely. 

Aliya could feel his lips trying to enter her as they fiddled around her lips playing them like strings. She could sense that he was intentionally trying to be harsh on her to prove his point. But no matter how much he tried he didn't succeed as he slowly and involuntarily changed his pace to a soft rhythmic kisses holding her swollen lower lip under his lips and sucking them pleadingly asking for an entry inside.

For a moment Aliya lost herself. She felt her body react to his kisses. She was in the verge of giving up and opening up to him. She wanted to grab his head towards her and tried to move her hands. Sudden flash of reality hit her as she felt her hands tied by him. She clenched her lips hard against each other not permitting him.

The sudden flexed attitude of Aliya made Ahil realize what he was doing. He stopped kissing by pushing her away.
"You see.. " he gasped for air while trying to stand still coming out of kiss coma.
"I am a bad person." He told her.

After struggling to breath herself she looked at him gasping.

"You prove that to yourself. Not to me."
She answered simple and subtle.

That was all. He had nothing to say to her. He had no words to give her back. She was right. Who was he kidding. He cannot be both. He hated him self , his life and his situation. He looked at her smitten by her courage to speak blatant truth even in a situation like this. He cursed himself to start liking her in such a weird time. He shook his thoughts and grabbed her hands and started walking.

"I don't want you to try to escape anymore. " he said sternly trying to put an angry front.

"I can't promise you that. If you can justify yourself by telling you are doing this for your father, I have my own justification for always trying to escape from you. " she told him gaining more courage.

" It's not that easy to escape from me. "

"We ll see." She gave back with out waiting.

As they got into the car he drove up directly into the garage and locked it from inside. With out telling her anything he hurried  into the house and came back with a bag and jumped right into the car and started it.

"I can't take any more breaks having you trying to escape constantly. I want to hand you over to your sister as soon as possible and make her drop the blame she had against my father. "

He spoke while igniting the car and turned it around in a gif.

"We will be traveling for almost a day before we reach our destination and I want you to be at your best or you will be facing consequences. "

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