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     My whole nine-teenth year of existing was probably the strangest year I ever lived. I did things I never thought I would, I fell in love and I lived almost everyday of that year with immense guilt.
     It all began on my nineteenth birthday. My birthday landed on a Saturday, which made it feel even more special for some reason. My parents had gathered my friends and family members to help celebrate my day with a small party. I remember sitting around with my friends eating chips and gossiping in the living room, when I saw my favorite uncle walk through the door.
     "Hi Birthday girl!" My uncle Nate exclaimed with open arms. I greeted him back with a big hug and a thank you as I received a card he was handing me, which I was sure was filled with money.
     "You're welcome Marina, and if you don't mind I invited a friend of mine, he should be here in a little"
     "That's fine," I replied. My uncle always invited single friends of his over to our house. I didn't mind, they were always nice. Although, there was one or two occasions where he brought a friend who ended up getting embarrassingly drunk and breaking something.
     I walked back over to the living room where my friends and I had been previously seated. "So, where were we girlies?" I asked.
     "Kenya's talking about her and Cristian's date last night," answered my best friend Ava.
     "Yeah, she's even getting into detail about how he ate her out last night," My friend Stella added. She had a look of disgust on her face but we all knew she loved to hear about everyone's sexual escapades.
     "Oh shut up Stella and let me finish my story," Kenya retorted. I giggled at their bickering. I loved my friends so much and I wouldn't have wanted to spend my birthday any other way.
     "Okay where was I? Oh yeah," Kenya began. "So me and Cristian were....woah...who's that?" Her eyes were fixated on someone behind me so I followed her gaze. I turned around to see a man who I'd never seen before walking through our door. He immediatly started to engage in a conversation with my uncle and dad. I realized he was the friend my uncle had invited. I could not deny that he was handsome, and very muscular. He looked like he was in his late thirties or early forties.
     "That's probably my uncle's friend," I replied to Kenya and the rest of the girls seeing that they were also very interested in knowing who he was.
     "Shit, I'd let him do whatever he wants to me," I rolled my eyes at Kenya's remark. But deep down I really appreciated how open she was with talking about sex, even if most of the time her explicit remarks were solely made to make us laugh. I decided on my own to go and say hi. I got up and walked over to where The Friend was standing with my dad and uncle Nate.
     "Hello, you must be my uncle Nate's friend," I said to him. He offered his hand and said, "Yes I'm David. Happy birthday," I shook his hand and thanked him.
     "Sorry I didn't bring you a gift, I didn't realize it was a birthday party until I arrived, Uncle Natey forgot to mention it when he invited me," he said while scolding my uncle jokingly.
     "Whoops," was all uncle Pete had to say.
     "It's fine," I said laughing. After seeing David from up close I was sure that he was in his early forties. He had a few wrinkles around his eyes that most men his age would have. Although, he still had a thick set of dark brown hair and not even one gray hair in sight. I chatted a while longer with them, then excused myself from the group and went back to my friends. I filled them in on David with what little I knew of him and we turned the conversation elsewhere. I couldn't help but to glance over at him every once in a while. There was something about David that made him very interesting to me. Maybe it was how he looked so kind and happy when he was smiling or talking but looked mean when he wasn't? When I spoke to him he seemed like a sweetheart but I was sure he wouldn't have a problem with beating up any man who looked at him the wrong way.

     Little by little my guests started to leave. It was pretty late. I said goodbye to my grandma, my uncles and aunts, and cousins. I gave an extra special goodbye to my baby cousin, Ana. My friends were going to spend the night so we could keep the party going with a sleepover. My uncle Nate and David were the last ones to go but before they did, my uncle called me over.
     "I was telling Dave that you were looking for a summer job," my uncle said. "And he said you could work at his office,"
     "Yeah, I'd have to pay you minimum wage but the job would be pretty easy, mostly answering phones" added David.
     "That'd be awesome!" I replied, "When do I start?"
     "how about monday morning, at eight? I'll get your number from Nate so I can text you the info," David said to me.
     "Sounds great," I said to him with a smile. I said goodbye to him and my uncle and as David was walking through the door he turned around and said, "See you Monday Marina," with a wink. I was taken aback so I awkwardly mumbled a "See you" and shut the door. No one else saw what had just happened. I brushed it off and quickly ran up the stairs to my room to join my friends who were waiting for me. But All night long I kept thinking about David and that wink.

Hi guys! So this is my first time writing EVER! So please be gentle with my feelings lol (and don't worry the story will get better :O lol)

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