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     Once we were all tired from swimming, we laid out on the pool chairs. We were having a good time, laughing and talking about random stuff. But I noticed that Ava wasn't really into our conversation. She had spent most of the afternoon just looking at her phone. I walked over to her and sat on the edge of her chair.
     "Hey," I smiled. She smiled back.
     "Is everything okay?" Her smile faded from her tan face.
     "Yeah. Why?"
     "You just seem a bit distant. That's all." She looked towards where Stella, Chris, and Jack were sitting and said in a low voice, "Can we go out to lunch, just the two of us? I have something to tell you."
     "Of course. But are you alright?"
     "Yeah, I just...everything's fine. Honest." She smiled. "I think I'm actually gonna head out now. I'll text you later." She said as she got up.
     "Ava, you're leaving?" Stella asked.
     "Yeah. I'm really tired."
     "I think we're going to leave too," Stella began to get up.
     "Really? Why? It's only eight." I replied.
     "Chris and I want to go have sex." She said bluntly and followed with a devilish smile. I wrinkled my face.
     "I really didn't have to know that." She grinned. "Thanks again for letting us use your pool."
     "Don't mention it."

     Jack stayed back to help me clean up. David was in the den taking a work related call.
     "Soo, what's up with Ava?" Jack abruptly asked as he washed the dishes.
     "What do you mean?" I asked confused. I was putting the leftovers away.
     "I've tried messaging her myself, asking her out, and she still won't give me a chance. She doesn't look as stuck up as she really is,"
     "Stuck up? She isn't stuck up," What's this dude's problem?
     "Then why doesn't she give me a chance? And why was she avoiding me all night?"
     "Her not wanting to date doesn't mean she's stuck up."
     "She's probably just playing hard to get," He said. I rolled my eyes.
     "She isn't playing hard to get. She's a really shy person, who doesn't want to date. Not everything is about you. And you should have left her alone after the first time she said no." I was getting really irritated.
     "Whatever. I just don't get these girls nowadays,"
     "What's that supposed to mean?"
     "Girls these days can't see when a good guy is right in front of them. They end up with some loser guy and then complain that all men are shit." I huffed and placed my hands on my hips.
     "I don't know if you had one too many beers or whatever, but you're really sounding like an ass. Just get over it and find some other girl that will suit you better."
     "Fine. As long as you do the same," I glared at him. "I already have someone who suits me."
     "Sure," he scoffed.
     "Yeah he is a lot older than me but that doesn't mean shit. He's a lot better than most guys my age, if you get what I mean." He just stood there grimacing.
     "You should leave."
     "Fine." He said as he threw the dish rag into the sink and started walking out.
     "Have fun with your pedo," he said as he slammed the front door shut. Fucker. I was so glad David hadn't heard any of this. He probably would have kicked his ass. And I wasn't about to tell him anything because I knew he was just going to say that he knew all along that Jack was a bad guy and blah, blah, blah.

     I was standing in my bathroom, stripping myself of my bathing suit. I wanted to take a shower to rid myself of the smell of chlorine that I got thanks to the pool. David was laying down on my bed watching a movie. I looked at myself in the mirror. Just after a few hours of being in the sun I had already acquired a tan. I stepped into the shower and let the warm water hit my body. It felt strange to be in this house all alone with David. I started to imagine that this was our own home. That we were married and he was waiting for me to come to bed. A bed that we shared. Every night. I wondered what it would be like to be married to him. Could I see myself ever being married to him?

     I got out of the shower and slipped on underwear and a bra. I dried my hair as best as I could with my towel. I walked into my room and went straight to my bed to lay next to David. 
     "We really got the whole house to ourselves?" David asked me as he slipped his arm around my shoulder. I smiled and nodded my head.
     "We can be as loud as we want?" I giggled and layed my head on his chest.
     "We can do whatever we want, for as long as we want." I said lowly and gave him a kiss. He grabbed my hips and positioned me so that I was straddling him. He tugged on the waistband of my panties and I lifted myself a bit so he could pull them down. I repositioned myself. He looked deep into my eyes and said, "You're so beautiful." I slowly started to grind on him to let him know that I was ready and waiting for our night to just get started.



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