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     I arrived at the restaurant at 12:30. Ava had already been waiting for me. We ordered lunch and started talking about clothes and TV shows. Then she changed the topic over to David. I felt like she was stalling.
     "So last night I watched this movie," She began. I felt anxious. I knew that whatever she had to say probably didn't have anything to do with me, but I was still nervous. Every time someone tells me, "Can we talk?" or "We need to talk" my mind goes into a frenzy. "And it was really interesting. It was about these two-" I stopped her mid sentence.
     "Ava. Sorry but didn't you have something you wanted to tell me?" she looked down.
     "I'm going to tell you something I've never told anyone before."
     "I'm telling you first because you've been by my side longer than anyone." Ava and I met in 5th grade and have been best friends since.
     "I can't believe I'm saying this," she whispered. Just spit it out!
     "I like girls, Marina. Well I like boys too. Just a little though. I mostly like girls." I didn't have a reaction. I just stared at her. It was a shock but to be honest it wasn't that big of a shock. Things were slowly adding up in my head.
     "Well I'm really glad that you told me and I'm really happy for you," I could feel myself starting to get emotional.
"Aww give me a hug," I said and we hugged over the table for a few long  seconds.
     "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"
     "I barely came to terms with it not that long ago," I nodded my head.
     "So I'm really the first to know? What about your parents?"
     "They don't know yet and I'm not sure if I will ever tell them. I don't think I'm going to tell anyone else. I just don't want to be judged or have any negativity," I couldn't help but feel special. But I wondered if she was ever going to tell Stella and Kenya.
     "Well you know Stella and Ken would never judge you." I became friends with Stella and Kenya
freshmen year, but since then we have all become really close.
     "Yeah I know. I just...I think I'd rather not tell anyone else."
     "Of course. I completely understand." I reached out and held her hand.
     After lunch we decided to do a bit of shopping.
     "So now I know why you never wanted to date any guys in our class," I said as I held out a dress for her inspection. She shook her head no and I placed it back.
     "Yeah and the fact that they were all butt ugly," she said and I let out a loud laugh.
     "They weren't all ugly! Lucas Moreno was pretty cute," she shrugged her shoulders.
     "This is also why I turned down Jack," she began. " I felt so bad-"
     "Ugh no. Don't feel bad he's an ass. I had to tell him off the other night."
     "Really?" She said surprised.
     "Yeah you dodged a bullet with that one. So did you have any crushes on girls from our school?"
     "At the time I didn't really realize they were crushes but yeah I guess I  liked Kacie Lloyd, Shara Owens, Lindsey."
     "Lindsey Medina? I thought you said she was a bitch?"
     "Yeah but she was still hot."
     "So do you have your eyes on someone new?"
     "Um kinda. We're friends but I don't know if she likes me back."
     "Well are we ever going to get to meet her?"
     "Maaybe," she playfully said.
     "Well just remember that I'm always going to support you and love you no matter what." I looked into her eyes.
     "I know." She smiled. She walked over to another rack of clothes and I followed. She turned around to face me.
     "So you'd support me even if I decided to become a stripper?" She teased.
     "Hey, I'd be right there holding your purse and counting your money."

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