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It was New Years Eve and I was so excited because I actually convinced my parents into letting me go to a NYE party. They're usually against it because NYE parties can get crazy and dangerous. They're always worried something is going to happen to me. But this time they agreed, and I'm guessing it had to do with the fact that it's going to be at Stella's dad's house. They think he's a responsible and trust worthy adult when in fact he's probably just the opposite. Stella and her father aren't close and to make up for it, her dad allows her to do whatever she wants. I hadn't seen him since we were in 10th grade and he had let Stella throw a huge party. There were kids from schools we didn't even know of. I knew this party was going to be just as crazy, if not more and I was so ready.
David went back home to be with his family and he wasn't going to be back until the 5th. So any worry I had about his and I's relationship I just let go and decided I'd deal with it after the holidays.
Kenya, Ava and I arrived to Stella's dad's house at around seven. The party was going to start at eight but we thought we'd get there a little earlier to help with any last minute things.
"I can't believe how big you guys are now!" Stella's dad said to us when he answered the door, "And just as beautiful,"
"Thanks Mr. Anderson," we replied.
"Please, call me Sean. We're all adults now, aren't we?" Stella looked exactly like her father. Same eyes, nose and lips. Except he wasn't as pale as Stella and his hair was darker.
"Okay Stella just so you know my friends should be arriving at nine," Sean said to Stella as he walked off down the hall.
"Alright," she called back.
"Wait so there's going to be like old people here?" Kenya scrunched her face.
"Yeah so what? They won't bother us. Besides, I'm sure Marina will be happy since she loves old ass people," Stella joked.
"Shut up," I laughed.

The party was finally in full swing. Mostly everyone there was from our high school but there were others who I did not know. I never really liked running into people that I went to high school with, it was always sort of awkward. I was the type of person to duck into another aisle to avoid seeing someone from school. Thankfully tonight wasn't that bad, even the kids who used to be bitchy seemed a lot nicer now. Most of the girls who didn't even acknowledge me in high school were the ones complementing my glittery silver dress and telling me I looked pretty. I guess you really do change after high school.
It was almost midnight, so we helped Stella pass out glasses of champagne to everyone. We all gathered around the TV to wait for the countdown that was being broadcasted from New York City.
"Wait! We don't have anyone to kiss!" Stella exclaimed. Her boyfriend was out of town with family just like mine and Kenya's. Ava was still single.
"Well what are we going to do? Our boyfriend's aren't here and we can't just make out with some random person," I said.
"Why not? It won't mean anything," Stella replied.
"Um bitch, because that's considered cheating," Kenya told Stella. Sometimes Stella's moral compass was definitely not pointing North.
"Let's just kiss each other then," Stella suggested, "I'll kiss Marina," we all agreed on that idea.
As soon as it was 2017, Stella and I gave each other a chaste kiss on the lips while Ava and Kenya did the same. Then we switched until we had all given each other an innocent kiss. The party continued.
Later that night I stepped into the kitchen to get some water and text back some family members who had wished me a happy new year. Sean was in there, getting more champagne from the fridge.
"Are you enjoying yourself Marina?" He asked me.
"Yeah, you and Stella sure know how to throw a party,"
"So who did you kiss at midnight?"
"You're daughter actually," I laughed,
"Really?" He laughed too, "You don't have a boyfriend?"
"Yeah but he's out of town. Who did you end up kissing?"
"Some lady from work," he sounded unimpressed.
"You don't sound too happy about that," I giggled.
"Yeah well I would have rather kissed someone a lot younger than me. Maybe someone in a silver dress," the way he said that made him sound like a predator. Yuck he's hitting on me! I didn't know what to say so I didn't say anything. I just stood there, looking down at the floor. He smirked. He grabbed the bottles from the counter and started to walk away.
"You know Marina, you're probably every man's dream girl. You look innocent but we can tell that deep down you're not," he said before he walked out of the kitchen. I couldn't believe him! He was so gross. I just had to tell someone so I went looking for Kenya.
"What the fuck! What a creep!" Kenya exclaimed, "And he's so ew! I mean if you're gonna hit on a young girl at least be hot!"
"Do you think I should tell Stella?"
"Tell Stella what?" Stella said from behind me. I didn't realize she was nearby.
"Oh um, Stella don't get upset but your dad hit on me a while ago,"
"He did?" She looked shocked. I nodded my head.
"I'm sorry," she said to me.
"Don't apologize. It wasn't you," I said to her.
"I can't believe he would do that. I mean he's always trying to get with girls younger than him but I didn't think he'd ever hit on one of you guys,"
"Let's just forget about it and enjoy the rest of our night," I said.
"Maybe we could use this to our advantage," Stella brightened up.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"I'll bring it up to him and I'm sure he'll try to get me to forgive him by taking me somewhere fun or giving me money, don't worry, I'll make sure to buy you something pretty for the trauma he made you go through," she smiled devilishly. I smirked.
"Oh Stella. You think of everything."

Happy new year everyone! I hope you guys have a great 2017.

****I accidentally forgot to publish this yesterday! And I worked so hard to finish it early so it would be ready for NYE :( *****

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