The Future is Unseen... Or is it?

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*"So, where's Tabby?" I asked.

"She seemed really stressed about something, I tried to ask but she just went to her room and when I went to check she was already asleep so I decided to give her some time."

"Yeah but that's so unlike her", I said.

'Hmmm' was all she said.

"Well, I guess things have been crazy for both of us", I said sighing slightly.

She gave me a questioning look but didn't say more.

When we had finished with the dishes and said our 'goodnights' I went up to my bedroom.

I lay down and after a few minutes I was fast asleep.*


"Good-morning Mrs. Jones, where's Tabby?" I asked as I entered the kitchen.

"Oh, She left for school", she told me slowly.

"Without me?!" I asked perplexed. She never did that before! "Didn't you ask her why she wasn't waiting for me?"

"Well I did, but..." she said hesitantly.

"But, what?" I asked suspiciously.

"She just said that I should tell you-that 'since you're such good friends with Andrew now you can just go to school with him'", she said in a low tone.

"WHAT?!" I asked perplexed. That was not possible! Tabby would never say something so irrational. She was the type to observe and then say something so serious.

"Look, it was probably nothing. You know she's not a morning person", she said trying to calm me down.

I simply didn't answer and rushed out the door. I was so pissed at Tabby at the moment. What did she think of herself?

Who was she to judge?! She'd never been the jealous type! Why was she being like that now?! It just didn't make sense!

Then I noticed something odd.

I was wearing my new shirt in this dream, the one which I hadn't even tried on yet. The one I was planning to wear the next day! And I was sure I had never had that kind of conversation with Mrs. Jones. I mean why would Tabby have a problem with Andrew?


I woke up to my alarm.

What the hell was that dream all about?!

Out of all the dreams I had ever had, this one beat all of them in oddness. (And that was saying something 'cause I had had pretty odd dreams!)

What was up with this one?!

Maybe it was just a regular dream.


I settled for that thought and started getting ready. I didn't need more abnormal things happening in my life.

I still wore the new shirt that I had planned. I wasn't going get superstitious or scared because of one stupid dream!

When I went downstairs Mrs. Jones was standing  in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Uh, hey Mrs. Jones. Where's Tabby?" I knew it was probably just a coincidence that she wasn't here like in my dream but I had to know for sure. She could simply have woken up late.

"Oh, she left for school", Mrs. Jones told me in the same tone of voice she had in my dream but even that was probably a coincident right?

"Without me?" I asked a little shocked as the events that were passing happened just like my dream. "Didn't you ask her why she wasn't waiting for me?"

"Well I did, but..." She stopped just like she had in my dream! 

"But, what?" I asked hoping that her answer wouldn't be from the dream this time.

"She just said that I should tell you 'since you're such good friends with Andrew now you can just go to school with him' ", she told me.

This was too much too be a coincidence!

"What?!" I asked. I couldn't take in what what was happening. This was just TOO MUCH!

"Look, it was probably nothing. You know she's not a morning person", she said just like she had in my dream. I knew she was just trying to be helpful, but right now, I really didn't care!

Uggghhhh!!! I just ran out of the house. I knew that it was rude to not reply Mrs. Jones. Still, I had so much on my plate that I couldn't even think of a reply!

What was going on?!?!?!

Why did everything have to be so weird and abnormal for me?!

Did I just somehow predict the future in my dream?! How was that even possible?!

The future was supposed to be unseen!

Then I remembered what Andrew had told me. Was he perhaps telling the truth? 

This dream made me think that I should atleast listen to what he has to say.


Author's note

Hey guys :)

Watch guys think?

I hope it was longer this time... :P

Vote, comment and fan!!! Seriously guys! :(

Thankyou <3

Picture on the side is of Mrs. Jones. :P

p.s I put a recap in this chapter 'cause this chapter starts with her dream si thought you guys might get confused. :P

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