Happy Ending

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I nodded and tried to swallow the knot that had formed in my throat.

"It hurts me as much as it hurts you."

I ignored him on this and said, "When I am supposed to meet this man, who supposedly loves me, but has ruined almost every good thing in my life?"

"Uh, today actually."

"Great! When do we leave?"

"How about right now?" He asked.


He held out his hand for me to hold, and in an instant I found myself in the black, circular room I'd seen in my dream. There were torches lit around the room. When you looked down it seemed like a never-ending well, but we were standing on it, the roof was similar, it looked like a black sky. The same man was sitting at one corner with a small smile playing at his lips.

"Welcome Amanda. I have waited many years for this day. Come here my child."

I walked up to him cautiously. 

He smiled at me warmly. His eyes twinkled with affection.

"You look just like your mother. She was beautiful, brave, and smart. All the qualities, she passed on to you."

I didn't know what to say so I just smiled.

He motioned for me to come sit next to him on the stairs at the bottom of his throne.

I did as he said and looked at him with mixed emotions. It was obvious this man loved me, but I loved my parents and he took them away. Right when I got over that, I found I couldn't be with the man I love because of him.

"I understand I'm not your favorite person right now. I'm dearly sorry about your parents, child, but I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. And as for Andrew, it brings me true happiness to see you both together! I would do anything to see you happy."

I looked up at Andrew who beamed at me. I ran to him, he opened his arms and pulled me into an embrace.

Andrew's dad, or death or whatever his name was chuckled.

Andrew instantly let go and we both pulled back, grinning sheepishly.

"I like that my approval has brought you happiness, but they're are more serious matters to discuss. As Andrew already might have told you, I am the lord of death and basically problems and small issues and accidents. I work against Troy Valdez, the very man who wants everyone to be unhappy. He wants death and destruction everywhere. I want the opposite. Which is why, I require you and your ability." He said seriously.

"But sir, um, lord, I don't even know how to use me ability, much less how to save people from it." I said.

"Your dreams, are under your control. You choose what you wish to dream about."

I looked at him questioningly. 

"It is basically what you will yourself. If you wish to dream about me, about your good friend Tabby and so on."

I nodded to show I'd understood.

"So, you shall be my crowning jewel. With your help we can spy on Valdez and prevent his plans. Do you agree?"

I took a deep breath before saying, "I do my lord."

"Excellent! Now if you don't mind I'd like to talk to Andrew alone for a few minutes." 

"Um, no problem. It's just I was hoping to meet Andrew's mom..." I told them.

They both looked at me and started laughing. 

"What?! I'm serious!"

Andrew spoke between fits of laughter, "sweetheart, did you really expect death to be MARRIED?!"

"Well then, how were you, you know, born?" I asked awkwardly.

"Do you really want to know?" Andrew asked, instantly serious.

"Do I?" I asked, looking at both their awkward faces. 

Andrew's dad spoke up, "I think some stories are better left untold."

Hearing that, I exited the door. Outside I found myself in a long corridor. There were chairs on the side and I sat on one, smiling.

I had found a man who was just like my dad, A boyfriend who would never see me hurt, A best friend who was just like a sister and her mom who was just like my mom.

I felt great. Even though I was about to do a big duty, I was ready!


Author's note

Hey guys :)

So yeah, this was officially the last chapter :D

Hope you liked it! 

Vote, comment and fan!!!! :D

A special thanks to all the fans who've stuck with me to the end! :)

Thankyou <3

Picture on the side is of Andrew and Amanda. :P

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