My Dad, A Creator!

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"Hey", he said walking up to me.

"Hi", I said, passing him a bright smile.

We walked out and made small talk while I thought how to approach the topic, fortunately, he beat me to it.

"So, did you think about what I said the other day, you know, about your parents?" He asked hesitantly.

"Uh, yeah I did", I answered lamely. What else was I supposed to say? I couldn't very well come right out and tell him 'I had a dream last night which seemed to come true today, and that made me wonder whether it had anything to do with what you told me about my parents having abilities.' I was pretty sure he'd think of me as a weird loser if I did that.

"Well?" He prompted. Why was he so impatient?

"I guess hearing you out wouldn't hurt", I said slowly.

"Thankyou!" He said a little sarcastically.

I just rolled my eyes and motioned for him to continue.

"Let's start with your dad, he was a creator. But obviously you wouldn't know what a creator is. A creator is someone who can make things happen or create things just by willing for it to happen. For example, if a creator wanted to make it rain today, it would rain. Or if they wanted an apple and they really wished to have one, then it would appear for them. Your dad was the most powerful creator of all, he could do something nobody else could. He could create life", he paused, waiting for me to take everything in. "He could make a dead person come to life if he wanted. But he could only do that once a year as it took up a lot of power and energy. That wasn't a problem though 'cause all of the creators had one speciality. All of them chose only one field, because creating was such a draining task that one person couldn't do many things. So, some chose weather, some agriculture. Your father was happy with what he did even though if he did that he could not do anything else." He paused again.

I nodded my head for him to continue.

"Well obviously he instantly had my fathers attention. My father found him quite useful. Your father didn't mind though, he knew that the favors my father asked were for the betterment of this world. " he paused once more, looking at me to see my reaction.

I was just listening, I couldn't speak. It was too much to take in. I couldn't believe my ears. But something inside me told me that he wasn't joking or lying, he wouldn't do something like that.

"Uh, listen Andrew, I-it's to much to take in right now, I'm sorry but I need to think about what I have heard first, if that's okay with you?" I said forcing the words out.

"No problem Mandy", He said with a sweet smile,"I'll see you tomorrow then?" 

"Sure", I said trying to return the smile but I just couldn't do it. It came out more like a grimace.

"Listen I understand that it must be weird and a little hard for you to take all of this in at once. I know that I can't do much to help you with this, but whenever you're confused or having trouble with something, just remember that I'll always be there to help", he told me with a reassuring smile.

I gave him a nod and smile before going home. It would be no use going back to work as Starbucks would close in 15 minutes. 

Tabby and Mrs. Jones were setting up the table when I arrived.

"Hello, Amanda", Mrs. Jones greeted.

"Hey guys", I said,"Uh, Tabby could I talk to you?" 

"Sure", she said slightly confused.

When we were upstairs I told her all about my conversation with Andrew. Her eyes were wide the whole time and her mouth was slightly open. When I was done she asked,"Didn't you ask him about his father?"

"No, why would I do that?" I asked, but suddenly regretted it, Tabby looked at me like I was the dumbest person on earth.

"Well, if your father was an inventor-" she began but I cut her off.

"A creator." I corrected.

"Whatever. My point if your father was that, then his father has to be someone more important if he gave orders to your dad", she said in a tone that said 'duh!'

"Oh my God! You're right! I didn't think about that. I'll ask him about that tomorrow at school", I said.

"You can't, tomorrows' a holiday for our school", she reminded me," And you don't even have work tomorrow."

"I'll just call him up, and tell him to meet up somewhere", I decided. I can also ask him about my dream then! I completely forgot today! 

"That sounds like a plan", she said.

At that moment Mrs. Jones called us down to tell us that dinner was ready.

I'll just have to call him after dinner then.


Author's note

Hey guys :)

I hope you guys like this chapter. :D

Vote, comment and fan!!!!!

Thankyou! <3

Pictures on the side are of Amanda. :P

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