From Perfect to Perfectly Imperfect

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The day seemed to zoom by, and before I knew it, it was time for work.I was taking orders today. 

My mind wasn't focused all day! I could only think about the questions I had to ask Andrew.

Finally, after an agonizing wait, my shift was over. And right on time, I saw Andrew walk in.

"Hey", I said.

"Hi", he replied with a small smile.

"Do you want to sit inside, or go out?" I asked.

"I'd prefer going out", he said.

We walked outside and I slowly approached my question.

"Um, Andrew, you said that my parents worked for your dad", I started.

"In a way, they didn't mind though. They believed he was a good man. Plus when you have supernatural abilities, the best option is to help my dad", he told me. "Also, like I mentioned before, your parents wanted to help people with their abilities.

"Yes, but why?! If all these people work for him, then he must be some sort of all-powerful being", I said."Why did they do these 'favours'for him? "Well, he's um the lord of death", he said hesitantly. Then I said som ething really smart like, "Okay". Then I remembered my dream. "So that's who you were talking to!" I said.

"Pardon?" he asked, sounding confused.

"I had a dream last night of you talking to a man sitting on a throne", I explained,"but in my dream, you called him lord, and he called you Mr. Smith. Why would you and your dad talk to each other that way?

"Well, it's a little complicated. He already has so much on his plate that, he just treats me like the other people in his court. In fact, sometimes I think he even forgets that I'm his son", he said trying to keep his tone light and casual, but I could tell he was pained by it,"but it's okay, I've grown used to it." 

"Oh my god Andrew! I feel so bad!" I said. I really did feel bad.

"Yeah, well you get used to it", he said bitterly.

We walked in silence for a minute when suddenly I had a question. "Andrew, what was my mom's ability?" I asked realizing I didn't know yet. "Adriane? She was gifted in a very unusual way. She had the blessings of Hestia, goddess of the hearth and family, and Aphrodite, goddess of beauty and love. So basically she could keep strong and keep her family even when there was a big issue. Also she was very beautiful, and could easily make friends and lovers alike." He finished. "What do you mean by blessed?" I asked. "Well, every gifted person is blessed by a god or goddess, sometimes, two or three even." I sort of didn't understand that and as my house was coming close, I decided to persue the subject later. First, I had something else in my mind.

"Andrew, can I ask you something else?" I asked slightly cautious.

"Sure!" he said sweetly.

"Um, since your dad's all powerful, then what's your ability if you don't mind me asking", I asked trying not to sound pushy or something.

"Uh, it's not much but I have the gift of knowledge", he told me,"I am also the court advisor and messenger."

We walked on in silence. Slowly, I saw my house coming into view.

"Oh, and one last thing before we part", Andrew said,"That dream you had about me and my dad, what exactly did you see?"

I recalled my dream to him. "Who were you two talking about", I asked after i'd finished telling him.

"Oh, um just some girl", he said. I could easily tell he was lying from his tone but before I could push the matter further, I saw Tabby, standing on the door, waiting for me.

"Uh, Andrew, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Sure", he said.

I ran inside and greeted everybody, before taking Tabby aside and telling her everything.

"WOW!" Tabby exclaimed after I'd finished,"No wonder you're having such dreams with parents like that."

"What do you mean?" I asked,"What do my dreams have to do with this?"

"Mandy, don't you think these dreams might be your ability? I mean to say that your parents were all powerful, so maybe, just maybe, even you have an ability", she suggested.

"No, no, no, no!!!! That's not possible, okay?! My dreams are just coincidental! I am completely normal!" I said.

"Okay, okay! I was just saying that maybe", she said.

I decided to ask Andrew later and prove to her that what she thought was not true!


Later that night, I was sitting in my room, thinking. I was thinking about how my life had been before Andrew had entered.

Life before I had found out that my parents were 'special'.

I was confused. Confused about whether I liked my life now, or the way it was before.

Confused, about my dreams. Deep inside I understood. I understood that with parents like that, there was no way I could be normal.

But whenever that thought had crossed my mind, I had just shook the thought out. No! I didn't want to be like that. I don't know why, but I was scared at that thought.

I hoped that I would have a dreamless sleep tonight. I had had enough adventure today.

Lucky for me, my wish came true. I had a dreamless sleep. 

Next morning, I had another thing to add on my list of confusion: how come I didn't get any dreams on the nights I didn't wish for any?

Was I somehow in control of my dreams?

How was that even possible?! No one could be in control of their dreams!

This was just another proof of the fact that my life was starting to turn from perfect to perfectly imperfect.

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 Author's note

Hey guys :)

I hope you guys like my story so far! :D

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Thankyou <3

Picture on the side is of Amanda. :P    

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