Chapter 1

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I walked off the airplane to be welcomed by a rainy New Jersey. The wind bit up my shoulders making them to create a little goosebumps on my skin. It used to not be like this. It used to always be warm and see sunny days. That's when I lived in California though which was now over 2,000 miles away. I sighed and pulled my luggage and pretended to care on what's my mother is saying. After my dad left us 1 year and 1/2 months ago, my mom decided and she wanted a fresh start and what Better place than the other side of the country? She knew that i was pissed off on her, I mean she did just take me away from my friends that I've had for the past 12 almost 13 years in two months. While I was having my little mental fit I hadn't even noticed we were getting in the cab until my little brother George who was only 3 was pulling on my sleeves. I snapped out of my mental thoughts and face to George. He had dirty blonde hair opposed to mine which is light brown. I sighed and look through the fogged up window and wondered what awaited me in my new home. I mean I didn't have it bad back home I have plenty of friends and some might even have said I was some what popular but that never mattered to me as long as I'm happy titles didnt matter to me.

It had already been 1 hour since we had left the airport and I was starting to get sick sitting in the car.

"Mom, what's our address?" I asked while still having earphones in my other ear. Mom wrote down the address. It seemed like a regular old address , except for the cities named English town. I remember back my teacher in California had taught us about that in social studies. I went on Google.maps on my IPhone and looked up our house. It was pretty regular too, nothing to exciting about it. It looked to be at least 3 floors it had a white front with a small driveway and 2 big trees. And there were 3 windows. One was a Long one that I guessed was for the dining room on the left front and there were 2 other smaller ones. I changed the song I was listening and then clicked my iPod to off. Another half hour later we were in the front of our door. We grabbed all our luggage into our new "home" which was the last thing I was going to call It because all this place was, was my prison cell. We opened the door to walked into polished dark wooden floors. There was a staircase that led upstairs. To my right was a living room already furnished ( my mom had the house furnished before we moved in there so that she will no longer worry about that later) 2 white couches and two arm chairs were there with a brown coffee table.

"I'm going to look for my room and start un-packing" as soon as the last syllable left my mouth I sprinted upstairs to look for my room. It was pretty easy to find there were only 3 rooms upstairs and mine was the one painted purple and had a quote on the wall where the bed was that said " the greatest pleasure I life is doing what people say what you cannot do."
I smiled and looked at my room. I was able to picked out what I wanted in it. Now I just had to really "live" in this room. I groaned and threw down all my luggage in my room I let my body fall on the bed and sighed. This was the ceiling I was going to stare at until I was 18. How lovely. Not. I got up and rummaged through some bags until I found my iPhone docking station to listen to some music while I un-packed. I finally found it and put to Jessie J's hit Domino.

2 hours later and a very hungry stomach I had finished u-packing and was about to eat one of my pillows. I went over by the hallway that was by the staircase and yelled "Mom, when are we going to eat? I'm starving!"

"I just ordered a pizza from pizza hut"

"Hawaiian? "

"Yeah, and a pepperoni!" Mom yelled back. I ran down the stairs trying to skip 2 at a time but since I was wearing socks that didn't exactly work out. Since the stairs and upstairs room were carpeted I slipped and ended falling all the way to the bottom of the stairs with a thud.

"I'm okay!" I grumbled I got up and tossed my hair back into its regular position. I saw George playing with skme toy cars and making some little car noises in the living room. I walked into the kitchen to see mom putting rings in order that she had not yet done so. I looked to my left and saw the dining room. It was already set and the sunset that was coming in from from the windows make it perfect. My mom stopped all the clattering and stare with me.

" I told you it it wasn't going to be so bad, and you'll make new friends soon too."

I stared and i felt my heart becomes as cold as ice.

"See that's where your wrong mom, you robbed me off my old friends, because even though you may not see it I don't want NEW friends." Even though my back was to her I could shocked her. Just before she could response the doorbell rung. I grabbed the money had set for the pizza and go pay. I was really pissed off still making me frown a little. I opened the door to find a young pizza delivered. He had a bright white commercial smile while holding the pizza box.

"Woah!, you look like your in a bad mood." The pizza guy said to me.

"Well even if I am it isn't any of your business is it?" I retorted back while paying him the money and giving him his tip, which I really should of not given him. He pulled something out of his pocket, it was a little card "Oh god dosent he know not to hit on 12 years old?" I thought to myself.

"Here" he handed me the small business like card.

I look closely at it and it was a pizza place called 'albivi's'.

"What kind of restaurant is Albivi's and more importantly won't this bring your business down if you refer your customers to the other restaurants."

"Hey, you look li,e you need to relax, and plus I know the owner after you try eating his pizza you'll never go back again in pizza hut." He said while smiling with his Colgate teeth.

" ummm... okay then, thanks!" And with that I took thanpizza and shut the door.

"What took you so long Kaelyn?" My mom asked trying to make the scene that ha happened earlier seem like nothing because George was in his room.

"I don't know, I think the pizza man was hitting on me." I said looking a litte puzzled. I sat down and ate my Hawaiian pizza with a smile on my face. If there was one thing that could make me smile anytime. I finished my pizza and went to my room. The rain had stopped earlier that day, but it was kicking in again thunder bloomed making me flinch. " that is a silly fear Kaelyn, your almost thirteen and your still afraid of thunderstorms?" I got into my Pj's and snuggled into my covers of my new bed. I grabbed my iPhone and listen to music yo drown out of the noise. But even music can't drown out the homesickness I had. That night I Had fallen asleep to the sounds of thunders and tears. Hoping that tomorrow would be a better start.... ☺☺☺☺

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Hey guys! So I hope you liked my first chapter.... I know it's too corny but anyway its just to make the story long..... ☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

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