Chapter 3

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ears. I groaned and slapped my hand on my night stand trying to find my alarm clock. In desperation I rolled over in my sheets and ended up slapping my alarm clock off the night stand and falling to the floor of my room. I know best way to start the worst day of my life right? My covers had managed to roll themselves up making me a human burrito. I wiggled around like a worm until I was finally free. By now I was wide awake and even if I had wanted to go back to sleep I wouldn't have been able to. I looked at my alarm clock and noticed it look.... well a little broken. That's the third alarm clock I broke this past 4 months, the thing is me and my alarm clock have this continuous war that never really ends. We never know who wins though because usually I ended up wide awake and the alarm clock ends up broken. I threw my sheets back on my bed not caring to make my bed and grabbed some dark blue skinny jeans and a pink off shoulder top that said SWAG. I jumped in my bathtub for a quick 15 minutes shower. I got out and let my long chocolate brown hair cascade down my back. I still had 45 minutes until school. I put my hair up in a towel and started getting dressed. I quickly peeked out my window while finishing blow drying my hair and noticed it was a little cloudy. i sighed and went back to the bathroom to put some sparkly eye shadow on and some mascara. I put on some short black boots that I had and walked downstairs. I saw mom was already up and giving George some scrambled egg. I walked over and grabbed myself a plate with a glass of cold milk. I sat down and ate my eggs in peace and sort of in a hurry. I looked at the clock 25 more minutes until I was supposed to go to school and by each minute its like another butterfly released into my stomach with all the other hundreds that were already there. I put my dishes in the sink and went and brushed my teeth. I looked at myself in the mirror. My dark brown almost black eyes stared back at me. I sighed and let my hair fall on my face as i looked down to the floor.

" You can do this, just get over and done with the first day." I told myself trying to give myself a pep talk. " If you get through the first day all the other days will seem easy."

"Lacey!, we're waiting for you!" I heard my mom scream at me from the bottom of the stairs. I ran out of my room and to the stairs. I had taken the first step of the stairs when I grab my backpack from the corner of the top of the stairs making me loose my balance causing me to roll down the stairs.

"Oh my god! Lacey!" My mom rushed forward helping me get up.

"I'm fine mom, I just want to go." I said getting up. I could see myself falling off these stairs quiet a lot in the future. I rubbed my side and kept walking..... or more like limping. Once we were in the car I pulled out my phone from my pocket. The screen showed 2 missed messages. I clicked it open.


Hey!! We all miss you SOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! Specially me and Quince! How's the new house? Already found someone to replace us as best friends? K you better have not done that or I will come to New Jersey and kick their butt! Any hot guys there? If so hook me up!

I smiled Oh Chelsea, always so curious. I messaged her back and before I could check the other messages on my phone the car had stopped in front of a brick building with kids walking inside it. " Good Luck Sweetie!" I got out of the car holding my breath. walked inside the school seeing hundreds of kids getting to their brown lockers. I looked for the front desk or something that would give me my schedules so I can get on with the day. I finally found the front desk. It was in the separate office in front of the the school, there was a some what young-ish looking lady. She had a blonde hair that went to her shoulder and had small glasses planted at the end of her nose. She had been talking to another student until she saw me waiting.

" You can go make that call Montanna." She told the other girl. The lady looked at me straight on with expectant eyes.

" Uh.. Hi, i'm Kaelyn I'm a new student here and I need a schedule?" I said sounding a little awkward.

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