Chapter 14

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The consequences of what had happened last week were catching up with me, making me feel utterly miserable. Going from rage to depression to embarrassment all at once can really drain someone. Let alone having to explain to your mother that this does not have to do with a boy. Yea I wasn't very believable there but I did my best.

I hugged the lavender pillow across my chest as I closed my eyes and saw the whole scene cross through my head all over again. Every single thing I did, I regretted terribly. Every action, every look, even the uncontrollable tears that were able to escape from me, all of it I wished never happened.

Six days, nine hours and forty-five minutes since I had slammed my front door shut from that day. My phone was just as much of a disaster as I was.Countless texts from James asking me if we could talk or if I was mad, even calls missed from him. Not to mention what little Montana had done too contact me, the only text I had gotten from her was asking me if something was wrong. Well I mean I just love running home crying you know? It's my daily summer routine!

I knew my behavior was also not very rational, but everything that was running through me was just...

I felt my phone vibrate in my hands startling me. My heart quickened expecting to see Mikey's familiar caller I.D. I felt my hopes dim as I saw I tread Montana's name.

Feeling a bit braver I swiped it and answered.


"Hey, Lacey? I didn't expect you to pick up"

"These days we don't expect lots of things now do we?..." I trailed off as I felt the sting roll off of my tongue and into the words I directed towards Montana.I heard Montana receive the blow just how I had intended it too feel.

"I think we should talk about this...face to face not over the phone."

"I agree, where should we meet?" I felt my self straighten out with more confidence.

"Why don't we go rollerblading tomorrow?"

"Okay, yea that works"

"Okay great" her voice showed that she was intending to hang up soon.

"Oh and Lacey"

I let silence be my answer to her this once.

"I'm sorry" And the line went dead

I felt my palms were warm and a little slippery as I sat back down on my bed.

What did I just agree to?

It was noon when I heard my mother call me down for lunch that day.

"Montana! Lunch is ready and on the table come get it!" Her voice dinged like wind chimes in the house.

"I'm coming mom!" I grabbed my roller blades and brought them down with me. Today I was supposed to sort things out with Lacey, I know I hurt her...even though that had been my intention from the start. To get her away from Mikey, but at the park, when I kissed him I realized I didn't actually like him still. I just missed what we had, the memories everything we shared for that short period of time. I felt my heart clench as I shuddered. In front of me lay some steaming tomato soup with a very cheesy grilled cheese sandwich. Even though it was summer and at least eighty degrees outside I looked at it hungrily and welcomed it openly. I looked at the time and saw I had about half an hour before I had to meet Lacey at her house. I quickly ate my grilled cheese and soup and put on my roller blades. They weren't new, you could tell the wheels showed their age and so did the faded blue color on the roller blades. I rolled out the door with my phone In my hand and hopes set high,that I could maybe somehow save the great friendship that Lacey and I had once had.

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