Chapter 18

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We had an hour left before everyone would return and we still didn't have any ideas for the prank on the teacher's trailer and Seth still refused to acknowledge my existence, which seemed to make Kyla very restless because she keeps casting confusing towards me.

"How about we TP their trailer?" Carla suggested as we were walking towards the beach.

"We don't live in the early 2000s anymore, Carla," I said, rolling my eyes.

"It's a pretty safe prank, not a bad idea but we probably don't have enough toilet paper for that," Seth gave his opinion, making me feel as if it was more of a response directed towards me than her.

Carla smirked while looking at her feet, which only aggravated me further.

Honestly, what the hell is hisproblem? He made the first move! He kissed me! If he regrets his decision so much, maybe he should man up and talk to me about it instead being ignoring me and passing snide comments towards me like a 12 year old.

Kyla gave me her confused look again and I chose to ignore it again.

As we neared the beach, I felt last night's memories coming back to me. I could almost picture Seth and I sitting under the blanket of stars and him kissing me to shut me up.

Shutting my eyes in annoyance, I exhaled slowly and opened them again.

"How about we just use the pranks we already did?" Mason suggested as we settled under the shade of a tree.

"No, they're pretty amateur to be honest," Derrick responded.

"Oh!" Kyla said, clapping her hands and sitting upright. "I think I have something in mind. We'll have to split up, though."


When we'd gone back to our trailer after discussing everything, Kyla held me back at the door and waited for Carla to go in.

"What's wrong between you and Seth?" she questioned, searching my face for any emotions.

I sighed and looked up at her to meet her grey eyes. "I think he regrets kissing me."

"What?" she exclaimed, her eyebrows pulling in together instantly. "That boy has been dying to get your attention ever since Valentine's Day. Why would he regret kissing you? If you didn't kiss him back, that'd be a different thing but you did, isn't that what he would've wanted from the girl he likes?"

"I don't know," I said, shrugging. "It shouldn't affect me this much. I'm just so annoyed that he's being such a child."

"Ava, do you like him?" she asked in a serious tone.

I bit my bottom lip and let it go. "I don't know."

She tilted her head, her eyes accusing me as she waited for me to tell her the truth.

"I guess," I mumbled. "Yeah, I think I like him."

She grinned and hugged me. "I knew it!"

"Yeah, well, it doesn't matter," I responded. "He clearly regrets kissing me, which means that he probably realized that he actually doesn't like me. Either that or I am a bad kisser."

"I doubt you're a bad kisser," she said confidently. "As for him regretting the kiss, give it some time. He's probably processing the whole thing."

I nodded and we went in the trailer to find Carla rummaging through Kyla's prank bag.

"Found the string!" she told us, holding up a ball of string.


I had changed to a comfortable pair of dark sweatpants and a crop top before we made our way to dinner. Not going to lie, I was quite nervous. The rebellious feeling in me was much more overpowering than the nervousness though.

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