VI. Sonic the Hedgehog

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"... I can't believe how far he's jumped back up!" Dr. Light's voice boomed in my ears like a gong. My eyes shot open, and it was as if he was yelling right into my ear, not knowing I was trying to sleep. My ears flicked in response to his shout.

"Dad!" Rock shouted in a whisper, shushing him. His voice made him sound like he was frantic. "He's still trying to sleep!"

Finally, I growled, "And apparently, neither of you know how to treat a guest! Geeze... Point me to the nearest hotel..." I put a pillow over my head.

"Sorry, Sonic." Mega Man apologized for his creator. "He gets really excited about some things."

"Like the fact that you're even alive, talking to me right now!" He shouted. He seemed so excited for a slightly overweight man with a beard. "I mean, it's absolutely amazing! I hadn't expected you to live past a day or two, and here you are, proving me wrong. You simply are amazing."

"Didn't I talk to you guys earlier, though?" I asked. Part of me was in disbelief. But I knew that was a natural instinct; to tell others everything was fine even in the most terrifying moments. "And you told me I was going to live?"

Dr. Light froze, trying to think of a comeback to him telling me I was supposed to die. "Well, I assumed since you were up and talking, you were alright... But that doesn't matter. We've got something bigger to deal with on our hands!" He had completely dismissed my comment.

"You aren't going to send us after Dr. Wily so soon, are you?" Mega Man asked, looking at me with uncertainty. I gave him a look that told him I was concerned as well.

"Of course not." Dr. Light straightened out his lab coat. "No; Mega Man, I want to send you to try and spy on his castle and see what he's planning."

"What?" Rock asked, somewhat shocked. "Are... are you sure I won't get caught or anything?"

"No," Dr. Light replied stoutly. He had gone from being shocked with excitement to a serious matter in mere seconds. "I can't assure you anything. But I'm asking you to go, and I will send another robot to help you if you need it. Remember, they're always ready when you need them."

Mega Man looked at the ground, trying to decide what to do. He suddenly hugged his father, and told him he would go. I watched in wonder, trying to imagine what my own parents were like. I couldn't imagine a nicer family than this one, though, even if it was a robot that the creator considered a child. It was like the friendship between me and Tails, though I couldn't 'repair' Tails if he got 'broken'. These two truly loved each other, like a father and a child should.

"I can help." I said suddenly, and Dr. Light looked at me concerned. I knew he was going to tell me it was too soon for me to be up and around, but I just didn't want anything to happen to this kid. He was too nice.

"You're not ready yet." The doctor replied. "You'll get your revenge on Wily soon enough, but not yet. I don't want to see you back in here so quickly, rotting in a bed."

I wanted to tell him it wasn't revenge I wanted, but I held my tongue for once. Mega Man would be fine anyway, I was sure. He was strong, though he was only slightly intimidating. "Okay. Get a good hit in on whatever robot he sends you, Rock. And don't die."

"I-I will." He said, turning into his Mega Man suit. "I mean, not 'I will' to the dying part..." I thought it was so cool that he could change forms just by practically thinking about it. Tails would have been all over this guy.

They both left the room, and I couldn't help but think about how cowardly a superhero Mega Man seemed. I mean, sure, he could use his gun and didn't scream in terror, but he appeared to be so naive and like he didn't want to fight. It was strange for a superhero to be that way. Though, as long as it worked for him, I guess it didn't really matter. Dr. Wily hadn't taken over his world yet, so he was doing something right.

Enemies Merge (A Sonic / Mega Man Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now