XX. Sonic the Hedgehog

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I should have brought a pair of goggles, because the snowing completely turned into a blizzard. The snow had piled up to my knees. I got probably about halfway to the other city when I fell to my knees shivering. I sat there for a few minutes, able to do nothing other than let the snow bury me and the bracelet warm me up.

Finally, I got up, forcing myself to walk through the thick snow. Icicles scrapped at my legs, trying to claw them off with hypothermia. I could tell that the elastic bracelet was helping, but the cold could still kill me. And I had no idea how to start a fire.

Every ten steps I took I looked up, trying to spot the stupid city. If those dumb police men weren't trying to kill me or whatever, this would have been so much easier. And I couldn't stop thinking about how guilty I felt. Whatever virus had attacked me nearly killed me, and it was made for robots. I didn't want to think about what would happen to someone who was actually a robot.

Again, I fell to the ground, very slowly warming up. I was so cold, I just wanted to fall asleep. And if I did, the problem wouldn't be freezing to death. It would be suffocating in the snow.

An hour or so later (and I'm NOT exaggerating, it took THAT long) I finally saw a faint outline of the town. In the middle of it was the giant green building Dr. Light had been talking about. The city seemed to be protected from much of the snow.

The second I got inside of the city, I sat against the side of a building, warming up. It was so much better than outside. I still decided to keep the elastic on, because I would have to leave without anything getting in my way.

Of course, it wouldn't be easy. There were cops everywhere in the streets, on the buildings, and in helicopters that were barely flying above the buildings. It would take a long time to get to the lab, get her, then run as fast as possible to Dr. Light's lab.

I took a deep breath, then started weaving my way through the forces. It was a tedious job, watching for the single moment where every police dude was looking the other way. If I goofed up, I was pretty sure they wouldn't just think it was a blur in their vision. Although technically, it would be.

The first time I passed by them, I tried to make it seem like the wind had just started blowing a bit. Half of them looked around, and half of them pulled out their guns. For what seemed like a miserable minute, they stayed frozen in place. But of course, a few of the cops with guns moved towards exactly where I was standing, coming closer and closer. I held my breath and closed my eyes, not excited to possibly either get thrown onto the ground or get my brains blown out.

Their footsteps came closer and closer, the heels snapping onto the ground. My heart was beating like my feet when I ran. I stayed as still as possible, my back plastered against the wall behind me.

Then my luck turned, and they put their guns back and turned away. I blinked and forced myself to breathe again, though my heart made me jittery.

I looked above me, seeing if it would be safe for me to run up the building and get off on the other side. I didn't hear any of them nearby, and when I looked just behind the wall, they were all on the other side of town. As quickly as I could, I ran up the building, jumped to the next, and got off. It got me a bit closer to my destination, and there weren't anywhere near as many police guys there.

Man, this felt way too familiar.

Again, I zig zagged through a number of buildings, doing my best not to be seen. Dr. Lalinde's lab was still a mile or two away, and there was at least one more group of cops before it. It didn't seem worth it to take it slowly anymore. Besides, if I didn't have enough speed when I needed it, how would I get away in time?

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