Morning Sickness

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I saw the pic and couldn't resist! IT'S SO CUTE!!! XD
Y/N's Pov.

*time skip to next morning*

I felt terrible when I woke up the following morning. My head was very dizzy and my stomach hurt a lot. I felt like I was really sick. Was I coming down with something? I heard a knock at my door. Before I could say anything, the door flew open.
"GOOD MOR- Y/N, you don't look so well." Amy burst in the door.
"You don't say." I gave her my deadpanned look.
"I'll go get Tails and Sonic." Amy quickly ran out the door. I lay in bed, waiting for them to come back, until I heard a loud voice.
"WHAT?!?!" I heard Sonic's voice shout. I felt a quick gust of wind and Sonic was next to me. He was freaking out... a lot.
"What happened? How did you get sick? Who got you sick? Whoever did is going to pay!" Sonic questioned me quickly, but I put my hand on his to calm him.
"Don't worry, I'm sure that it won't last long." I told him, which calming him down slightly.
"Besides, I can see what kind of sickness it is and give Y/N the best treatment." Tails came up behind Sonic. Tails took a good look at me, and took a quick test.
"It seems that she doesn't have any huge sickness, but she does have morning sickness." Tails told us.
"How long will it last?" Sonic asked.
"If she stays in bed and gets a good amount of rest, she should feel better by tomorrow. Here Y/N." Tails handed me a pill, "Take it. It'll help you feel better." I nodded, swallowing it.

Sonic's Pov.

For the rest of the morning and some of the afternoon, Y/N stayed in bed. Of course, I was with her the whole time, making sure that everything was okay. By lunch time, her condition had improved, but I still kept my eyes on her just in case. I brought her some rice balls that Amy had made for lunch.
"Here you go, Y/N." I handed her the plate.
"Thank you Sonic." She responded, taking the plate. After finishing the rice balls, I took her plate to the kitchen and washed it. After I finished, I heard a sound in the bathroom. Was it Y/N? I put the plates away and quickly ran there.
"Y/N, you alright in there?" I knocked on the door. When I heard no answer, I opened the door and saw Y/N losing her lunch (I don't like using that... other word... just go with it -_-)
"Y/N?!" I ran up to her, patting her on the back.
"Sonic..." I heard her mumble, "I don't feel so well..."
"I think that we should take you to the hospital. I'm really worried." I told her. She nodded before continuing to lose her lunch. I stayed next to her the whole time, waiting until she finished before taking her to the hospital. It didn't end for several minutes, with pauses between each minute. When she finished, I picked her up and ran straight towards the hospital. I hope they can figure out what's wrong with Y/N, and soon.
YA'LL KNOW WHAT'S COMING!!! XD I don't even need to tell you. Anyways, I hope you like this chappie! :D

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now