Tricks and Traps

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Sonic's Pov.

After Tails located the coordinates, I ran to the location without a second thought. Who cares if it's a trap! All I know is that Y/N could be in danger, and I have to save her! The location of the coordinated was a dark alley in the midst of a large city. Why here of all places, besides the creepy notion of it?
"Scourge!" I yelled, hearing an echo, "I'm here!"
"I didn't think that you'd show up." A shady-hedgehog came out of the shadows, cracking his knuckles, "Especially alone and unarmed."
"Where is she?!" I growled, trying to attack him.
"Where's who?" Scourge teased, avoiding my attack with ease.
"You know who I mean, now where is she!?" I used my spin dash, knocking him against the wall.
"Grr... seems that your care for her makes you stronger, doesn't it Blue?" Scourge groaned, before brushing off my attack. I walked up to him and grabbed him by the neck.
"Let... her... go." I repeated. (O_o damn Sonic, you scary! XD )
"So, you want to see her again, do you?" Scourge questioned me.
"Yes!" I replied, now very angry.
"Fine, then WE shall take you to her." Scourge smirked.
"We?" Suddenly, I felt something hit me on the back of my head, knocking me unconscious. From what I remember, it looked like a shadow.


"That was much easier than I thought." I brushed the dust off my fur.
"He was so concerned about the girl that he forgot about himself." Shadow stated.
"Sonic!" We heard some voices call out from outside the alley.
"Damn, his friends are here." I growled.
"Let's go." Shadow said, throwing Sonic over his shoulders and carrying him back to the base. (Sonadow! X3 jk lols XD)
"You think that this plan'll work?" I wondered.
"We'll just see what it happens." Shadow replied.  

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now