Lies and an Evil Plan

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Sonic's Pov.

After leaving the house, I ran to Eggman's base at a quick pace, just to get this over with and go back to Y/N. Tails, Knuckles, and Amy flew over in the X-Tornado, and we all met up there. When we got there, Tails took out his ray gun and blasted down the door.
"Egghead!" Tails exclaimed, "We know that you've been up to-" Tails cut himself off at the sight of Eggman in his "evil jammies" watching TV from his couch.
"You now, if you wanted to come in, you could've just used the front door." Eggman gave us his deadpanned look.
"Uh... what are you doing?" Amy asked, confused just as much as anyone else.
"What's it look like I'm doing? I'm watching the evil marathon on TV." Eggman responded, giddily. This was... the weirdest thing that I had seen in my entire life. And I've seen a lot of weird things!
"Sooooo... no big evil plans anytime soon?" I questioned.
"Nah, I'm on vacation. Hope you enjoy it while you can, because once it's is over, I'll be back to building evil machines that can destroy you!" Eggman cackled.
"Ooookkkk...." Tails said nervously, "I guess that I was overreacting a little bit."
"A little bit?" I asked, giving him my "are you serious?" look.
"Ok, maybe a lot. Let's just be glad that it's nothing." Tails whispered as we were all leaving.
"Enjoy your vacation, Eggface!" I told him, running out the door, followed by the rest of the gang. Even if he was my enemy, I was happy to know that I could spend more time with Y/N while he took a break.

Eggman's Pov. (gosh, never thought that I'd do this XD I give you full permission to kill me for this if you want to)

"Oh, I will." I cackled, "That was too easy."
"But did you have to wear the jammies?" Scourge came out of hiding, annoyed.
"It fooled them more into believing me. Plus, I think their comfortable." Scourge face palmed.
"Don't insult the doctor, Scourge." Shadow appeared out the corner of the room.
"So you're telling me that I'm the only on who thinks that this is weird... like, at all?" Shadow huffed.
"Oh, would you two hedgehogs stop fighting? We've got a more important thing to deal with now." Rouge flew in.
"She's right." I went and came back in my normal, evil clothes. We walked off to the other room where we had a dear 'friend' of Sonic's as our prisoner. She was trapped in a sound-proof cage, similar to the one that I captured her the first time, only stronger.
"Well, are the scanners right?" Rouge asked. I had a look at the scanner that I had programed to scan Y/N to see if what Rouge said was the truth about her having Sonic's child.
"Yes, yes you were right Rouge. An excellent spy you are, if I don't say so myself. And here's your reward as promised." I gave her a Chaos Emerald. Y/N was banging on the cage, trying to break free.
"Sorry dearie, but we can't hear you." Scourge teased.
"Don't you think that Sonic'll come looking for her once he sees that she's gone?" Shadow questioned.
"That's the point of my ingenious plan. Oh ho ho ho ho!" I cackled, leaving the room. Once Sonic realizes that we have his 'friend' captured, along with his child, he'd do anything to get them back.

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now