Protecting the One's Closest to His Hearts: Part 1

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Sonic's Pov.

"W-what?" I stammered. Did I hear her correctly?
"Yes, we're having twins. A boy and a girl. (let's be honest here, who DIDN'T see this coming? X3 )
"We are?" I repeated, "That's great news!" I pulled her into a hug. Y/N was surprised for a moment, before returning the hug.
"You're not mad?" Y/N asked.
"Of course not. I could never be mad with you. Especially now that I know that I will have two hedgies to be a father to." I grinned.
"Yeah, but that still doesn't help our situation." Y/N reminded me. I, then, remembered that we were still trapped.
"Don't worry, we have backup coming our way." I told her.
"Let's just say that Tails managed to put a tracking device on me at some point, so he can track me anywhere I am, underground or not." I explained. Now, I was glad that Tails could track me, but I was still going to make him take that tracking device off me at some point.
"That's great!" Y/N exclaimed. Not to long later, I heard a loud noise. It sounded like an airplane landing.
"Our ride's here." I told Y/N, receiving a smile from her, "In 3, 2, 1-" I finished counting down when the cage was blasted open.
"You glad that Tails installed that tracker now, Sonic?" I saw Amy holding her hammer, Tails and Knuckles behind her.
"For now. Let's go Y/N." I picked Y/N up, and we sped out the door, the gang right behind us.
"Not so fast Faker!" I was tripped by someone, but I managed to shield Y/N from getting hurt.
"Heh. Back again to lose, Shadow?" I teased, putting Y/N down and getting ready for a fight.
"Sure, only you'll be the one to lose instead! Now!" Shadow yelled. As soon as he did, the seven Chaos Emeralds dropped down from the ceiling.
"Oh, this'll be fun!" I grinned, concentrating. Soon enough, Shadow and I both went into our super forms and started fighting.
"Guys!" I yelled, "Get Y/N out of here!"
"Roger that! Come on Y/N." Y/N gave me a quick look. I knew that Y/N didn't want to leave me alone to fight, but I wanted to make sure that she was safe above all else. I gave her a thumbs up, grinning. She smiled back and left with Tails, as I continued to fight.
"You really think that we'll let them leave just like that?" Shadow smirked, confusing me until I remembered something.
"Run Y/N!" I yelled to her. She looked back at me, confused. Suddenly, a purple-Scourge came out of nowhere and grabbed her.
"Let me go!" Y/N kicked Scourge, but it had no effect. Scourge must've gone super too.
"Hold on, I'm com-" I was cut off by Shadow blasting me the wall.
"Sonic!" Tails said, but was soon knocked out by Scourge, followed by Amy and Knuckles. Oh that's it! No more Mister Nice Hedgehog!! My fur turned dark, and my eyes became clear. Scourge and Shadow were confused, yet you could see some fear in their eyes. Now they were going to pay for hurting my friends, and my wife!!!  

Sonic the Hedgehog x Reader: Two Hearts Become One (Sequel to *My Brave Hero*)Where stories live. Discover now