Chapter 17

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We travelled through the woods and mountains as fast as we could. Eager to get away from the orcs who are following after us.

I can't believe Azog, the one who terrorized my dreams, is still alive. I had shifted back into my wolf because it's easier for me to run faster like this.

"How close is the pack?" Daddy asked.

"Too close. A couple of leagues, no more. But that's not the worst of it." Bilbo said.

"Have the Wargs picked up our scent?" Uncle Dwalin asked.

"Not yet. But they will do. We have another problem." Bilbo said.

"Did they see you? They saw you " Gandalf said.

"No, that's not it." Bilbo defended.

"What did I tell you. Quit as a mouse. Excellent burglar material." Gandalf said, and the others began praising. I noticed he wanted to say something, so I growled lowly and nudged him.

"I'm trying to tell you there is something else out there." He said.

"What form did it take? Like a bear?" Gandalf said.

"Ye... yes, but bigger. Much bigger." Bilbo said.

"You knew about this beast?" Bofur asked.

"I say we double back"

"And be run down by a pack of Orcs?" The dwarves started arguing.

"There is a house it's not far from here, where we might take refuge." Gandalf said.

"Whose house? Are they friend or foe?" Daddy asked.

"Neither. He will help us or he will kill us." Gandalf said. If you ask me that's a pretty hard wager.

"What choices do we have?" Daddy asked. When the beast growled loudly.

"None." Gandalf answered, and started leading us towrd the house. I ran with them in wolf form. Until that beast showed up when we neared the house. He was a huge bear much larger than me, but I had to protect my family so I turned around and fought against him.

"Luth come here now" daddy shouted, but I ignored him and fought the bear. We fought for a while until he pushed my down and was on top of me.

That was when I noticed he was like me he smelled like me. He hit me hard that I had to fight to stay conscious. The last thing I saw was him staring at me before darkness consumed me.

Beorn's POV

This kid is like me. A skin changer. Why is this kid with Dwarves?

I then saw the necklace around the kid's neck. This is my sister's necklace. It can't be this is her child.

I pulled the kid slowly to the house. Made a quick round and then shifted back. I carried the kid into the house , forced her to shift back and tucked her into bed.

She looks exactly like her father, yet she have my sister's hair color. I finally found my baby niece. I finally saw her.

End of Beorn's POV

I woke up in a soft bed. And it smells like that strange bear, or skin changer.

"So you are the one they call Oakenshield? Tell me Why is Azog the Defiler hunting you?" I heard a weird voice say. I followed the sound to a huge man and the Dwarves sitting around a dinning table.

"You know of Azog? How?" Daddy asked.

"My people were the first to live in the mountains before the Orcs came down from the North. The Defiler killed most of my family. But some he enslaved. Not for work, you understand, but for sport. Caging skin-changers and torturing them seemed to amuse him. " The huge man said.

"There are others like you?" Bilbo asked.

"Once there were many." He said.

"And now?" I asked.

"Now there is only one. Or so I thought until I saw you. You are my kin. My sister's daughter" he said

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"My younger sister was a wolf skinchanger. She married a human which is why you are not tall like me or like she used to be. She married a Dunedain. You are one of them too." He said petting my head.

"She is my daughter. I raised her." Daddy said.

"I am not offering to take her. She is your daughter. Thank you for taking care of her" the giant man, I mean my uncle said, "you need to reach the mountain before the last days of autumn." He continued then looking at Thorin.

"Before Durin's day falls. Yes." Gandalf said.

"You are running out of time" my uncle said.

"Which is why we must go through Mirkwood." After Gandlaf said that I tuned them all off. Memories were running into my mind. I remember that man who hugged me and told me I am fine and that I will be safe. A woman who will always whisper to me and tell me that I am beautiful and that my fate is going to be great.

"Luth, come I have something for you" My uncle said puling me out of my haze. I walked with him.

"Here this was your father's. He was a great man. The necklace you have was your mother's it will help you in your journy." He said handing me a bag of clothes and he batted me.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Beorn. I am your uncle. Your mother's name was Vylolin. Your father was the younger brother of Arathorn his name was Isildur. Be safe little one." He explained kissing my forehead.

"Thank you uncle Beorn. I will visit if I could" I said with a smile and walked away to get dressed.

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