Chapter 28

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Next morning, I woke up to see daddy walking down with Bilbo. He made her wear a dress he found with a necklace.

"The white gems of Lasgalen. That's what they are" uncle Balin said.

"And they are together" I said with a grin.

"Do we say congratulations uncle? Or not yet?" Fili asked.

"Shut up, Fili. If they do Bilbo is my step mother" I told him.

"Both of you silence" daddy shouted.

"Thorin" Bilbo said touching him.

"Fine. Yes, I courted her yesterday." Daddy said. All the company cheered.

"Long live King Thorin. Long Live Queen Bilbo." Ori shouted making us all laugh.

"Long live the great King and Queen Under the Mountain." I shouted. The rest cheered after me.

"Come here you little wolf princess" daddy said trying to catch me but I ran over to the gate that was just sealed.

"I smell Bard. He is approaching" I said. We all walked over to the gate. Once we climbed up, legions of Elves stood in Dale. Bard was approaching on a horse.

"Hail, Thorin son of Thrain. We are glad to find you alive beyond hope" he said.

"Why do you come to the gate of a King Under the Mountain armed for war?" Daddy asked.

"Why does the King Under the Mountain fence himself in. Like a rober in his hole?" Bard asked.

"Perhaps it's because I am expecting to be robbed." Daddy shot back.

"My lord, we've not come to rob you. But to seek fair settlement. Will you not speak with me?" Bard asked and daddy nodded going down to speak with Bard.

"Bilbo, give me the Archenstone. I know you have it" I whispered to her after pulling her away.

"But I don't want him to find it" she argued back.

"I will not give it to him. Do you think I am an idiot. He changed the moment we started the quest. He just turned back to the man I knew when you gave yourself to him" I told her.

"What will you do with it?" She asked.

"It's for me to know and you to discover" I said with a smile taking the archenstone and walking deeper into the halls as Bilbo walked over to my father.

I know he will hate me after this, but I am doing it for his own good. He will thank me later. I entered my Chamber put in my leather suite and boots, ready to do what I planned. Now, I have to wait for night fall.

I am sorry father, but I have to betray you. I can't watch you destroy you. I thought as I sat in my chamber.

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