Chapter 29

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I climbed down the wall and onto the plains and toward Dale. I have to get to Thranduil and Bard.

"It will not come to that. This is a fight they cannot win." I heard Bard say.

"That won't stop them. You think the Dwarves will surrender, no they won't. They will fight to the death to defend their own." I said as I stepped over to them removing my hood.

"Luth. Where is Bilbo?" Gandalf asked.

"She's fine. She's with daddy" I said.

"She told him. Finally" he said and I nodded with a smile.

"If I am not mistaken this is Thorin's child." Thranduil said.

"You don't have to pretent we did not meet before, King Thranduil." I said with a smile.

"What do you want here?" He asked.

"I came to talk to you about your claim. Well, pretty much offer you a bargain" I said with a smile.

"What do you have to offer?" He asked obviously interested.

" I have come to offer you this" I said as I showed them the Archenstone.

"The heart of the mountain. The kings jewel." Thranduil whispered as he stood up in shock.

"And worth a king's ransom. How is this yours to give." Bard said.

"I am Thorin's daughter, meaning I am the princess. It is mine as much as it is his." I explained.

"Why would you do this? You owe us no loyalty." Bard asked.

"I am not doing this for you. I know the dwarves can be insulant. Big headed and difficult. Suspicious and secretive. With the worst manners you can ever imagine. But they are also brave and loyal to a fold and kind. And they are family to me. They are my family. Dadd.... I mean Throin adores this stone above all else. Take it strike a bargain. There will be no need for war after that" I said looking at them silently hoping they will agree.

"Okay then. Luth daughter of Thorin you have my word" Thranduil said.

"Thank you. Thank you" I said excitedly and jumped at him hugging him hard. "Opps, sorry" I apologized letting go of him.

I left the tent with Gandalf after that. "Your father will be angry at you if he find out what you did" he said.

"I am not afraid of him" I said.

"You should be. Gold sickness is not to be underestimated. It is dagoerous." He told me.

"I did this for Bilbo, she found it hid it from him, but then they got together. I was worried I don't want her hurt so I took her place. If he ever tried to hurt me, will you save me?" I asked.

"Yes, I will. Luth, you really are a brave girl for doing this." He said with a smile.

"Thank you Gandalf. I must go now before they wake up" I said walking away.

Once I entered the mountainagain. Bilbo came over to me. "What did you do?" She asked.

"Bilbo. You know nothing of the Archenstone. You didn't see it. You know nothing you hear me." I said.

"But...." she started but I cut her off putting my hand on her mouth.

"Listen to me. You made my dad happy please continue doing that. He needs you. Don't leave him alone please. Promise me now. Swear you will not say anything" I told her and she swore. I smiled and walked away.

I know my days are few now. I am sorry daddy for betraying you but I had to do this. I thought as I walked away from Bilbo tears streaming down my face. The black poison have been spreading more through my body. It is the end for me.

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