Chapter 23

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I sat in bed next to Kili, using a wet cloth to wipe his sweety forhead. He's been having a high fever for a while.

"Can you not do something?" Fili asked.

"I need herbs. Something to bring down his fever." Dori said.

"I have nightshade. I have fever few." Bard offered.

"They're no use to me. Do you have kingsfoil?" Dori asked.

"No, it's a weed. We feed it to the pigs." Bard said.

"Pigs? Weed. Right. Don't move" Bofur said pointing at Kili and ran out of the house. We sat for a while, Bard left with Bain a while ago. Only Bain returned.

Suddenly, Sigrid shouted loudly. I heard few roars.

"Orcs" I hissed and graped a sword cutting the head of one of them. But more entered the house so I shifted into my wolf. I don't know if it's normal but I can control his size. Whatever, time to kill stupid Orcs.

I snapped my jaw at one of them making him stumble backward. To be shot by an arrow on the head. It was Legolas and that female guard.

Wow! His fighting style graceful. He killed an Orc and dropped it to have the other one down there fly up and I bit off his head.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"Luth, are you okay?" Fili asked and I nodded.

"That's Luth? Tauriel. Come." He said and walked out away from me and the house.

I huffed and followed him. We ran through town killing Orcs here and there. It is easier for me to kill the Orcs in wolf form.

After few turns we found the head of the pack. Legolas got out Orcrist and approached the Orc. In the way he was attacked by two minions. I killed one and left him to deal with the other. I turned around to see him fighting with the leader I ran over to him and bit the leader, who shoved me into a house. Few more Orcs attacked us and their leader escaped.

After killing them he stumbled over to the side of a house. I shifted back.

"Legolas, are you okay?" I asked reaching out for him.

"Don't touch me. You left and I thought we could be friends." he hissed angrily.

"No, Legolas. I had to be with my father, but I want " I said touching his face. We heard approaching foot steps and we saw that Orc on his Warg.

"I will kill him" Legolas hissed and ran off to his horse and I followed him.

"Legolas, please take me with you" I pleaded.

"Okay, give me your hand." He offered his hand, which I took it with a smile.

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