Chapter 27

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Bilbo's POV

I helped the other Dwarves build the gate. Thorin didn't want to part with anything, not a single coin.

Kili tried to argue with Thorin to be shot down. We worked hard until we finished buidling it.

I walked over to Thorin who was standing in the great hall.

"Bilbo, you said you had something important to tell me before Dwalin cutted in what was it?" He asked.

"Uh, yes I did. Thorin, please don't be angry with me." I was cutted off by Thorin pushing me to the seat hard.

"You found the stone and hid it from me?" He roared in anger.

"No, I - I am a girl. Everyone in the Shire think I am Master Baggins. My father wanted a boy but I came along and my mother couldn't bare another child so he named me and raised me as a boy. So I could carry his legacy. The family name, and be the owner of everything." I explained.

"So you are a girl?" He asked and I nodded, closing my eyes afraid of what would come. When nothing happened I opened my eyes to see him staring down at me. "I wish you said anything before." he said leaning down to kiss me.

"What?" I asked.

"I loved you the first moment I met you, but I thought you were a boy. So I treated you bad." He explained.

"And now that you know I am a girl?" I asked.

"I would like to court you. If you will let me" he said.

"I would love to" I whispered. He smiled and kissed me again.

"Let me take you to my champer" he said leading me behind him.

End of Bilbo POV

I stood in the shadow with Fili and Kili, as we watched daddy lead Bilbo through the corridors.

"Pay up. I won" I said with a smile. They both grunted but payed me no less.

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