Cute Things

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( I don't know why I called this chapter 'Cute Things'. Do I need a reason? God, I hope not. Just read. Questions later )              ~Cheela_writes

--------------------------Jess' POV------------------------( continued, you'll just accept that I continue from where I leave off )

                    I stepped quietly into the area where I saw Max and Ross. What I saw this time  however, was even better. The ginger and light brunette were asleep, huddled up to each other. I struggled not to yell from excitement. I quickly- and quietly of course- snapped my photo. But also snuck up behind them to check and see if Max actually did his work. And, surprisingly enough, he had. WAIT! I realized. If Max had done his work already . . . then that means the two of them falling asleep together is no accident! I glanced over at Tim who smiled at me and did a gesture with his hands, as if saying: Well, it happened.

                                  I smiled back at the editor and silently let them be. I walked as calm as I could into Adam's office- which didn't last long, trust me. I tossed Adam my phone and told him to look at my pictures. I saw his jaw drop before smiling. "Should we post this on Twitter? Because man, that post button is looking really good for this picture" Adam stated. "No let's not put them through fandom hell" I recommended. "Buts what should we do with those Dirts?" Barney asked. My brain froze, "I don't think we'll HAVE to do anything" I stated honestly, you could hear my shock in my voice. Adam looked at me, "Yeah, we might not".

---------------------------------------Tim-Tim's POV------------------------------

            I stared at Max and Ross, not really having much to say. Eventually though, I saw Ross awake, eyes gently opening. He glanced around as if he didn't know where he was or what was even happening. "Hey Tim . . . " I heard Ross mumble. "Tim . . .?" Max muttered as he slowly began to awake along side Ross. "How long was I out for?" Ross asked sleepily. "Uh, do you mean how long you BOTH were out for? If so, I don't fuckin' know. But I do know you two were practically cuddling" I answered truthfully. I saw them both blush and look away and couldn't help but smile. "So, when's the date?" I asked to see Max look at me with alarm in his eyes. "D-date!?" Max said with shock. "Yeah. You two ARE dating correct?" I asked.

"No! What would give you that impression??" Max answered.

"I have no idea" I replied sarcastically. 

                   "Anyway, Ross, are you going to go back to your office? You still have to record a video for your channel if I'm correct" I said, swinging the conversation in a different direction. Ross stood up, lingering beside Max before nodding and walking away. I then turned to Max and sent him a swift wink. "I don't like him like that" Max denied. "LIES!!" I jokingly reply. "And how would you know how I feel?" Max asked, clearly not amused. "Because I SAW you. You know what, you're such a tsundere" I mocked. "Okay, what the fuck, Tim. What does that mean?" Max asked with slight laughter tugging at his voice. "Ugh, fine, I'll explain. Say you like Ross but pretend to hate him. THAT'S a tsundere." I told him. "Oh yeah, I remember editing one of Jin's videos and he said something like that" Max admitted, "I guess I forgot".

                                 "You forget a lot of things." I said in a joking manner.

"Do not"

"Do too"

"Do not"

"Do not" I reversed our roles in hopes of getting Max to say "Do too".

"Do too" I heard Max say.

"You like Ross~"

"Do too. WAIT WHAT?"

          "Hah, you said it. Not me." I said with triumph. "Fuck you" Max said, crossing his arms like an upset child. I smiled deviously as I thought of my next reply, "Shouldn't you be fucking Ross?". I saw Max's face turn into a tomato. "Maybe . . . " Max muttered quietly with a small sexual tone.

         I was super happy- I recorded all of that. My entire chat was saved. I couldn't WAIT to let Adam listen to it. In fact, I'll let him listen now. "Max, I gotta go do something. Okay?" I said as I stood up. I looked back to see Max nod.

                        I entered Adam's office and handed him my phone. He took it and looked up at me, "Why?" he asked. "Go listen to what I recorded. It was my little chat with Max" I told him. I watched Adam react to listening to mine and Max's conversation. He smiled. "Fuckin' A, how'd you get him to say that?" Adam asked, handing me back my phone. I shrugged. "Since Jake has the title of the 'God of the Offices' can I be the second God? Or Goddess even?" I asked jokingly in reply. Adam laughed. "Maybe" he said finally.

--------------------------------------Max's POV---------------------------------

                          I sat there with red on my cheeks. With my luck, Tim could've recorded that whole thing. I sighed. I looked at Ross' office to see him beginning to cry. I stood up as the need for me to comfort him grew. As I began to walk over to Ross, Tim came back from whatever he had been doing. "Where are you going?" he asked me. "To check on Ross. He's crying you know" I pointed out before shoving onward to go check on my friend. I opened the door and walked over to the light brunette who had tears streaming down his face. It pained me to see Ross so sad. "What's wrong?" I asked as I brought Ross into a hug. He buried his face into my chest, muffling his sobs. "Please tell me Ross. I hate to see you this sad" I asked one more time. Ross looked up to meet my gaze. His eyes were tinted pink and red due to the fact he had been crying. "I-I'm confused Max!" he said before burrowing his face into my shirt once more.

               At face value, the reason Ross was crying sounded dumb, but then the thought crossed my mind. Sexually confused? I didn't know. I hugged Ross tightly, not wanting to let go.

                            All of the sudden, Ross' sobs stopped. He looked up at me, blush on his face and worry in his eyes. He wriggled free from my grip and walked quickly over to Tim-Tim. I didn't know what to do. I sat there, looking off into the direction I saw Ross walk in. Confused. That's all I was.

---------------------------Ross' POV------------------------

           I couldn't do it. I had planned after my recording to tell Max the truth. It didn't go as planned. After the recording I began to question my sexuality, I wondered if Max would feel the same, but I think the thing that crippled my heart the most was doubt. I doubted Max would feel the same. And eventually I guess I just broke into tears. I left Max to talk to Tim, he might be able to help me with my problem, I guessed. I pulled up a chair and sat near Tim. "Tim," I asked. He turned to me and nodded for me to say what I had to. "I-I think I might be in love with Max but I'm not sure what to do. "Just tell him." Tim told me. "How can I 'just tell him'? Tim, w-what if he doesn't like me back?" I said, there was worry in my voice. "I doubt that. He loves you. Trust me." Tim tried to reassure me. I sighed. "How are you so sure?" I asked, not really sure about how to feel. "J-just trust me." Tim said. I leaned back in the chair I sat in and stretched. "Listen, try to tell him when we get home. We should be leaving in an hour or so anyway" Tim recommended.

( OH GOD FEELS! I fangirled a bit while writing this, what's wrong with me. Nothing obviously. But, I know I changed the way Ross thought about Max compared to the last chapters. Not everything can be seamless. But hope you enjoyed anyway. )                          ~Cheela_writes


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