Play Time~

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A/N A warning for all you amazing people who have managed to keep sane whilst reading this. I applaud you, and thank you. I feel cool, now mom can stop texting me that I suck. *still gets the text* Oh, well nevermind. But anyway, in all seriousness, thank you. It puts a smile on my face to see comments and votes and I get a bubbly feeling of joy for a reason I don't know why. And you all are so nice <3 So, thank you. And if you're wondering about the warning, Max and Ross finally get it on (I'm implying that it's mating season for them). And I feel like a warning was needed. So if you complain to me, it's on you because I warned you. Anyway, please enjoy as usual.                  ~Cheela_writes  

---------------------( Ross' POV )-------------------

               I slowly opened my eyes. Max was completely enveloped by me, how did that happen? I'm not sure. But I was sure of one thing, I wanted him badly, but I didn't want to rush things. "Ross. . . baby. . . harder. . ." Max muttered, still in a dream-like state. I felt my cheeks redden, he was dreaming about what I wanted, the only difference being I wanted him to dominate me. I smiled and shook the ginger, waking him from his deep sleep. "You're vocal in your dreams, it's cute~" I muttered to the still half asleep ginger. "I wha? Oh hi Ross, you're fucking cute and I want to fuck you is that okay?" Max spoke like a drunk person, but he was very much sober, just really tired sounding with a fuzzed brain. "Max~ I would say yes but, when you wake up a little maybe~" I cooed, pecking his lips and getting out of the bed. I heard him whimper from behind me, "But Rooosss-" , "But nothing Maxxy. You should wake up first" I told him. Max sighed with disappointment and shifted on the bed. 

             I then exited the room and went into the kitchen to fix breakfast for my boyfriend. "Hmm, do we have. . .ahh! There it is" I got some bacon from out of the fridge. I quickly set everything up and began to cook, listening to the intense sizzling that the bacon made. I hummed and swayed side to side from boredom. "What's that smell" I heard a familiar voice ask. I glanced behind me to see Max was now fully awake, walking towards me with a smile. "There's my narwhal~" he cooed, wrapping his arms around me from behind. "Yep. And if you're wondering, I'm cooking bacon for you bae" I hummed to him, still swaying from side to side, rubbing against Max's crotch. "Don't tempt me Ross, we haven't even had breakfast~" he husked into my ear. "Okay, I'll try" I replied. Max then let me go and sat down at the table, waiting for me to finish cooking.  

-----------------( Max's POV )------------------

                I sat down and watched Ross cook. He stopped for a few moments to turn on the radio. "I just need some music to help me concentrate" he stated. "That's okay" I told him. I continued to watch him, he swayed his ass to the beat and hummed to the tune. "You're so fucking cute, Ross" I sighed. "Thanks" he replied. I then saw him get out some plates and put the bacon on them.  There were two plates each with three strips of bacon. "Here you go Maxxy~" he sang as he placed the plates on the table. "Thank you Ross" I smiled at him. He nodded and smiled back. "Hey Ross, did you realize that this is the first time that we're having breakfast in a while?" I asked him. Ross was chewing and stopped for a moment to think. "Yeah it is. It's funny how we never realize until we start doing something" Ross pointed out. I laughed, "Yeah. . ."

~~~~~~~~~~Small Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~

                   I finished eating and Ross was done too. "Give me your plate. I'm gonna do the dishes because everyone else is lazy" he told me. I nodded and handed him my plate. He smirked at me then accepted my plate. Why did he smirk at me? I didn't think about it for too long, I was too busy watching Ross sway from side to side.

           He was so damn adorable that I couldn't help myself. I got up and walked to stand by his side. "Wait a minute Maxxy, I'm almost done" he said quietly. "Ross~ When you're done, meet me in your room. If you're okay with that~" I husked into his ear. He nodded, not shifting his gaze from the dishes. I then left the light brunette to clean.

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