Crotch Faceplant

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( Okay, so with a chapter called 'Crotch Faceplant' you only know this will be good. It'll make sense when you read this. Also this is where some of the dirty things happen. Just thought I'd warn you. But you probably don't give a firetruck so I'll just let you read )                         ~Cheela_writes

---------------------------( Max's POV )------------------------ ( they're home now. Just thought you'd like to know )

                I stepped inside the house, Ross and Tim-Tim came in after me. "Fuck yes. Home, it's never been so beautiful" I joke as I bend over to rest my head on the couch not far from me. "But when it comes to beauty, you're a close second Ross~" I cooed without thought. "You're rather sexy yourself " I heard Ross reply from behind me. "Whooaa, are you two dating yet?" Tim asked, surprised at mine and Ross' compliments to each other. My heart pounded and I waited for Ross to answer because I'm gonna be honest, I didn't know what to say. He didn't say anything either. "You two playing the silent game?" Tim questioned. "No. I'm just not sure" Ross finally admitted. "Maybe I should leave you two to think. You two sort out your relationship. I'll be in my room if you need me" Tim said before leaving me with Ross. However, with him gone, the atmosphere felt awkward. Me and Ross just shrugged it off and laughed. "Wow, you made it sound as if you meant it" I told Ross. I heard Ross mutter something but I couldn't tell what he said.

---------------------------( Ross' POV )-----------------------

             "I did mean it" I muttered to myself. I glanced at Max and gave him a smile. He smiled back, Goddamn him and his good looks. I walked into my room and sat down.

                                 I got on my phone and did whatever I so desired. Since I was bored, and curious, I searched for some fanfics about me and Max. I read them. And I think I got aroused when I read one about me and Max doing . . . you can probably guess. I looked down to see my bulge, good thing it was small and unnoticeable. I glanced around the room cautiously. No one was here, thankfully, so I decided I'd try to take care of my 'problem'.

-------------------( Tim-Tim's POV )--------------------

              I laid on my bed and sighed with boredom. Then, a dirty joke or prank popped into my mind. Let's just say it'd 'blow' Ross' mind. Should I? I should. They'll thank me. NO, I should text Adam my plan and ask if I should go through with it.

(T= Tim & A= Adam)

T: Sooooo Adam, I just thought of something

A: What

T: It deals with Ross and Max

A: Spit it out

T: I was thinking about tripping Ross and making his face land on Max's crotch

A: That's going to take timing and skill

T: I know, should I do it?

A: Yaaasss go wild ;)

T: I'll try and I'll tell you what goes down

A: K

                     I sat up. I began to wonder on how I would get Max into the living room. Charades. I'll text him that I'm bored. Once he's in there, I'll call for Ross. Ross will enter, I'll trip him, BOOM crotch faceplant. It's the perfect plan.

(M= Max)

T: I'm bored

M: What do you wanna do?

T: Let's all play charades in the living room

M: Charades?! How old do you think we are

T: Well, then you think of something

M: .........

T: Thought so

T: Max meet me in the living room

M: What about Ross?

T: I'll text him, don't worry

T: I'd never forget your boyfriend

M: Fuck you

T: I'm still not Ross 

                      I laughed at mine and Max's texts. Tonight's gonna be good. I stood up and walked out of my room. Max was in the living room, as I told him. I walked into the living room and sat down on the couch, leaving a space between me and Max. "Where's Ross" Max asked, sounding worried. "Oh yeah, ROSS!!!" I called.

-------------------------------( Ross' POV )------------------------------

                           I nearly jumped when I heard my name being called. "ROSS!!!". It was Tim's voice coming from the living room. I sat up, happy that I got my 'problem' taken care of. I got up to exit my room to see Max standing and talking with Tim on the couch listening to his rant. I started to walk into the living room, only to trip on something. I don't know what it was. It went by so fast. Before I knew it, me and my open mouth landed somewhere I could only dream of.

---------------------------------( 3rd POV )---------------------------------

         Tim had tripped Ross, making Ross fall, landing his face on the ginger's crotch. This, combined with the ginger's surprise, made the ginger fall backward also. He landed on his butt with Ross on his crotch, looking dazed and bright red in the face, kinda drooling a bit too. Ross' warm breath and drool was unbearable for Max. Tim just stared, obviously not going to lend a hand. "He wants you" Tim teased. Ross seemed to wake up after that. "D-do not! You tripped me!" Ross said, snapping up and off of Max's groin. "You believe me, right Max?" Ross asked as if it were for dear life.

--------------------------( Max's POV )-----------------------

                  I wished it were true, what Tim said. "He wants you...." that echoed in my mind. And Ross left me a present, some of his saliva still on my crotch. "You believe me, right Max?" Ross asked me. I nodded. But, at the same time, I wanted Ross to just lay there on my crotch, drool and all. "I believe you Ross." I said in a disappointed tone. "I-I gotta go. I left something in my room." Ross said as he got up and left me and Tim. That was strange. Ross has never just up and left before in the middle of a conversation. I shrugged it off and turned to Tim, he was smirking at me. "I hope you enjoyed that almost blow job" he told me. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks. "You did trip Ross!" I said, faking surprise, I had known it all along. "You should've asked Ross to lick off his saliva. He probably would've done it" Tim teased. I looked down at my slightly wet groin then back at Tim. "We aren't even together. I need to be dating him to take that step" I replied, matter-of-factly.

                   Tim looked at me and rolled his eyes. "Do you know why Ross left?" I asked, changing the subject. Tim nodded, "I think you turned him on. Which is understandable, I mean, he was DROOLING on your crotch. DROOLING" he pointed out. I looked down, "Speaking of that, I gotta take care of something also." "Seriously, you two should just fuck and get over with it" I heard Tim say from behind me. I ignored him and headed into my room.

( OH GOD WHAT HAVE I WRITTEN. I can say I have no regrets. More things of the naughty variety should happen in the next chapter, so yeah. Hope you likey)                   ~Cheela_writes



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