Another Regular Day (smut happens)

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A/N Okay, I think my brain has somewhat healed over that- for you all it'll be a while- but I'm starting this chapter not long after the last one. And smut things happen in this one. Like seriously, it escalates really quickly.  So I warned you . But anyway, I hope you enjoy what my brain can offer.                  ~Cheela_writes

---------------------( Max's POV )------------------

                    I sat down and couldn't shake Ross away from my thoughts. The light brunette was glued there. "Max, you alright?" Tim interrupted my thoughts. I blinked to realize that I had been staring at my monitor without any real reason. "Y-yeah, I'm fine." I stuttered. I then tried to edit normally, but it felt impossible. Uugghh, I want Ross. . . My mind was practically screaming. I tried to push my boyfriend away from my mind, but that didn't work. "I want Ross. . ." I accidentally spoke my thoughts aloud. "In what way?" Tim asked, glancing at me with a smirk. "Every way" I answered truthfully. But I couldn't help but feel like mentally facepalming myself for actually telling the truth. "Well, that's too bad for you because you have to edit." Tim stated, not looking away from his monitor. I sighed and tried to resume the video I was editing. But as you could probably guess, that didn't work too well. Ross. . . .  But I didn't care anymore, I edited the video- sure it was kinda rushed and it wasn't my best work- but I did it. I then got out my phone and began to text Ross. I hope he's not recording right now.

(M= Max and R= Ross)

M: Ross, are you recording?

R: No, not now

R: Why?

M: I want to meet you in the abandoned office

M: You know, the one that no one will be able to see or hear us in    

R: I like where this is going~  ;D

M: You should ;)

M: Can you meet me there?

R: Of course I can  ≧ω≦

                     I put my phone away and stood up. "Where are you going?" Tim asked me. "Somewhere" I answered blandly, not wanting to tell him what I was actually doing. "If you're going to do what I think you are, please be as quiet as possible" Tim called from behind me. I nodded and continued walking.

                I entered the abandoned office and started to wait. "Ross. . .where are you?. . ." I muttered to myself. I sighed and sat down on the floor, waiting as patiently as I could. I closed my eyes and sighed with boredom. Eventually I heard the door click and open. I looked up to see Ross enter the room and close the door behind himself. "Why are you sitting on the floor?" Ross questioned, looking down at me with a smirk. I stood up and pushed Ross against the door. "I was waiting. . ." I trailed off with my voice laden with lust. Ross smiled at me and tried to wiggle free from my grip, but I wouldn't let him. "Ross, I know I normally let you handle this situation, but not today. You play by my rules, not your own" I growled at my boyfriend. Ross started to bite his bottom lip. "You're actually taking control? This is a pleasant surprise" Ross murmured. I nodded and pressed my lips tightly against his, and I didn't even wait to run my tongue along his lips, asking to let me enter. He let me in of course. I then explored his mouth, it tasted of sweets and candy. I kinda wasn't surprised since Ross does like to eat candy. "Max~" I heard Ross beg. I let my smile stretch. "Max fuck~" Ross suppressed a moan. I felt Ross begin to grind against me, trying to gain some friction. I separated from him and placed my hand over his crotch. "Ross, what did I say?" I questioned. "I play by your rules. . .not my own" Ross answered. I nodded.  "Keep it that way" I told him. Ross stared at me with want and nodded, almost solemnly. I then moved my hands to grip Ross' thighs, rubbing and caressing in a teasing manner. Ross was biting his lip so hard, his lips seemed to redden and crack. "Max, please God, I need you~" Ross whimpered. I smiled and stared at him, "Tell me how much you want me" I edged on. "So fucking badly- just ahh, please~" Ross replied, trying to grind against my hand. Ross was getting harder by the second and it was a glorious sight. "Will you play by my-", "Yes! Just take me~ please!" Ross answered before I could finish. I nodded gingerly and began to palm Ross roughly and quickly. "More~ daddy please~" Ross moaned through his lips. 

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