Videos and Apologies

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A/N I should be asleep right now. . .I'm a fucking rebel. Hear me roar. XD Who needs sleep anymore am I right? WARNING! NAUGHTY THINGS HAPPEN! But they don't fuck yet. Yet. Anyway please enjoy.                            ~Cheela_writes

----------------------------( Ross' POV )--------------------------------

                   I dragged Max along. We headed into Adam's office. The brunette was sitting down, clearly focused in his own thing. "Uh, Adam?" I said, trying to grab his attention. He looked up at me and Max, seeming slightly surprised, as if he hadn't noticed us here earlier. "Oh, sorry, I was doing something. What do you want lovebirds?" Adam questioned. "Well, we wanted to apologize for being late. We're sorry." I sighed guiltily. I didn't see because I was looking down, but I felt Max give me a comforting glance. "Hey, it's okay. And besides, you weren't even late today. You're ten minutes early." Adam told us. I looked up, feeling a sudden rush of joy course throughout my body. "So, are me and Max free to go?" I asked. Adam nodded. 

              I jumped slightly from joy. But I didn't leave Adam's office just yet. "So, what videos am I planned to be in today?" I asked. Adam took a quick glance at the schedule before replying, "A Minecraft minigame- Yandere Hide and Seek if you want me to be specific, GMod Deathrun, and a Happy Wheels video. And Max, you're also with your boyfriend for the Hide and Seek and GMod Deathrun." Adam informed us both. "Oh, wait, speaking of you two and videos, when are you gonna tell the fans? Once they hear, they're probably gonna just have their little shipping minds blown" Adam said with a snicker. I felt my heart stop. For the longest time I had forgotten about telling the fans, hoping that if I forgot, I wouldn't have to tell. I glanced at Max. I saw by the look in his eyes, that he knew that that thought worried me. "It won't be bad. I mean, most of them are teenagers who do nothing but ship anyway." Max tried to reassure me, it worked a little. "Yeah Ross, the fans will always support us. I remember when I tweeted out that I was bi. So many responded positively! The fans are truly really just, awesome Ross" Adam told me. I smiled and stared at the ground. "Yeah. . . I guess you're right. . ." I sighed, still feeling uncertain. "Of course I'm right! Now, please set up to get ready to record. Oh yeah, one more thing, for your channel, you can record a solo video or with Max." he informed me. I didn't need to give my answer much thought, "I'm gonna record with Max by my side if that's okay" I answered.

                 "Of course. You do you man." Adam said with a friendly gesture. I smiled and walked out of Adam's office, with Max following close behind. "So, on the schedule, the video for my channel comes first. And I was thinking, maybe, for just one more video, I revisit FNaF. I know it scares me but, with you with me, I think it'll help"  I explained to Max. He nodded and we headed towards my office. 

                   We sat down, with Max pulling out a chair and joining me. "You sure about this? I mean, no offense, but you are easily frightened" Max asked. I gave him an almost imperceptible nod, "I may be a scaredy cat but, you can hug me for protection. It won't be as bad as when I'm alone" I hoped. Without another word, I wiggled the mouse and awoke my computer from it's slumber. "Which game are we gonna play in the series?" I heard Max ask from beside me. "We'll revisit the first one since it should be the least scary- at least, that's what I'm hoping" I answered nonchalantly. I opened the game on my computer and set up the recording. Before I pressed record, I felt Max place his hand upon my shoulder. "You sure?" he asked once more, staring directly into my eyes, trying to read what I thought. I sighed and felt as if my heart had plummeted. "I was, but you asking over and over is only making me nervous" I sighed, avoiding meeting his gaze. "Don't worry my little narwhal~" he cooed, "I'll protect you from those demonic robots" he said before wrapping his arms around me. I smiled. I then signaled for him to let me go so I could start the recording.

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