Jess has Ideas

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A/N I'm back! Isn't that just lovely! Anyway please enjoy this chapter because I'm legit proud of what I've written here. So read on!                           ~Cheela_writes

-------------------( Jess' POV )-----------------

            We had just recorded some more videos and I'm honestly not sure of what to do anymore- you know, besides spying on Ross and Max of course. I'm happy. Adam heard Ross, I heard Ross, Barney, everyone heard Ross shout while he was playing GTA. "Max! You son of bitch! I won't suck your dick if you don't let me win!" as soon as I heard the joking- or maybe serious shout- I laughed. "Does that mean I have to suck yours then?" I heard Max ask in reply, slightly quieter. I had the biggest shit- eating grin ever. 

          "Yeah, because you're a black hole inside of a vaccum cleaner, because all you do is suck!" Ross shouted with slight anger. I didn't know what they were playing on GTA, but I guessed it was a racing game. "Wow, I'm not even gonna pleasure you now. You lost your chance." Max managed to reply seriously. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, but whatever it was, it was gold. "You know what, fuck you too!" Ross replied. "Hard or fast?" Max asked, seeming as if he didn't even care about the game, but rather what he could get Ross to say. "Fuck me sideways" Ross said with an irritated sigh before leaving his office. "Did you win?" I asked, trying not to smile. Ross just turned to me with an unimpressed look. "What? I mean, Max fucking you sounded like a win to me" I said with a shrug. He shook his head, still unamused, but I saw the smile quivering onto his lips and the blush he had from ear to ear. "Just shut up" he said before continuing to walk away again. I instantly knew we had to do something. We being me, Adam, Tim, and Barney. I walked over to where the brunette editor sat and pulled up a chair to sit beside him.  "You heard that right?" Tim asked in an amused tone. "How could I not?" I asked in reply. "True" he agreed.

                        As I sat, I watched Max get up and go in a direction similar to Ross. "What do you think they're gonna do?" I asked with a lot of curiosity. "Finally fuck. Get a love life. Anything could happen between them at this point" Tim-Tim answered. I laughed slightly and nodded. "'Anything' being the key word here" I added. "Hey, I got an idea. . . " I smiled deviously. Tim turned to me and crooked his head, silently asking me what it was. "I got some mistletoe we could hang up." I suggested. "But it's not even Christmas anymore" Tim retorted. I nodded, "But that doesn't mean we can't use it. Remember, everyday is a holiday for Max" I pointed out. Tim sighed and thought for a moment before nodding. "Sure. I'll bite. You got it on- hand?" he asked. I smiled, "Of course. I come prepared for work!" I replied happily."It's in my car. I'll go get it. Keep an eye on the love birds~" I said in cheery voice.

-------------------------( Adam's POV )--------------------------                  

                      I looked out my office window to see a red- faced Ross walk along with his head held low. I didn't ask why though. I just watched him trudge along with his smile and blush. It must've been from what him and Max were yelling to one another.I released a small laugh. But I couldn't help but wonder if they meant what they said to each other.I shrugged and went back to what I was doing.

              A few minutes passed before I saw Jess enter my office with mistletoe in her hand. "You know what I'm planning right?" she asked with a sly smile. "Yes. You need help pulling it off?" I asked as I shifted my eyes from the mistletoe to her face. She nodded hastily and motioned with her hand for me to follow her. I obliged, and stood up from my desk to follow her. She moved with excitement through the halls, and hummed 'All I want for Christmas is You'. We eventually walked into the open space where the editors were seated to the side and other enclosed offices were on the other side. "Okay, put it. . . here!" she said as she pointed to the spot she wanted me to hang the mistletoe. I took the mistletoe from her hands and hung it on the ceiling at the end of the hallway leading to where we stood. She smiled with satisfaction at the placement.

                "Do you think they'll actually walk in this way?" I asked her with slight uncertainty. "Adam, trust me, they went this way earlier, close behind one another as well" she told me. I glanced from her to the mistletoe and nodded. "If it doesn't work, I blame you" I told her finally. "Good. Because it will work. Just watch and wait" she said cockily. "WAIT! We should look natural. Uh, let's go sit near Tim, because he's the most natural person here obviously" she said as she pointed in the direction of the editor. I nodded and followed her over to where Tim-Tim resided. "Hey, almost everyone has walked over to me today, I feel popular" Tim said with a small joking smile.  

           "Good job Tim, good job." I said in a joking manner. I looked around and waited. The longer I waited, the more doubt I began to have. 

"Jess, I don't think this will-"

"Shhh! I hear footsteps!" she whispered to me.

          I turned away from her to face the hallway entrance from which the mistletoe hung, eagerly awaiting to see Ross with Max not far behind. And sure enough, though I had my doubts, the two walked in, side by side. They stopped for a few moments, directly under the mistletoe. "Hey, I'd look up if I were you two" Tim advised. 

--------------------------( Max's POV )-------------------------------- 

          "Hey, I'd look up if I were you two" Tim said from his desk. Me and Ross sent each other confused looks before following the directions he had told us. When I saw it, my heart froze. "D-does this mean we have to-?" I couldn't even finish, and the fact that my heart was pounding in my chest didn't help. "Yep!" I heard Jess say eagerly and happily. Me and Ross then looked at each other, reflecting the look of embarrassment. But I also saw hidden lust within his eyes. "Do we have to? I mean, it's not even Christmas anymore-" I was cut off by Adam surprisingly. "Of course you still have to! Now you may kiss the sloth!" Adam said with an expectant smile. "I'm not a fucking sloth" Ross seemed to growl, but when I met his gaze, he seemed to purr. "Come on! Get closer Ross! You know you want to~" Jess teased from a distance. Ross glanced at Jess and sent her an irritated look before turning to me again. "So. . . uh, sorry about this. But uh, traditions are traditions I suppose. . ." Ross said timidly. He was fucking adorable. He inched closer to me and I felt a tug in my heart to kiss him on the spot. But I kept it in. I didn't want this to happen quickly. I wanted this to feel natural, not forced.

              He was now extremely close to me. Our chests were touching and his arms rested around my neck. "Please, don't hate me for this" I heard him whisper. I didn't reply with words, I instead wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer. "Hate you? I may be a dick but that's stretching it a bit" I whispered back. We stared into each other's eyes before closing the gap between us. He and I met in the middle, lips both sharing that electrical spark. As we were kissing, I was surprised that Ross ran his tongue over my bottom lip, asking for entry. I readily gave way to his demands. I don't know what it was, but this felt natural, just as I wanted it to. I didn't even care about Adam and the others looking at us or Jess fangirling. It didn't matter. All that mattered was the connection that me and Ross shared. 

           As we explored each other's mouths and fought for dominance, we were begining to run out of breath. We eventually separated and looked at each other as we panted for breath. "You two actually did it!" Jess said with happiness. "We only did it because it was tradition to!" I snapped back. "Suurrreee, totally was not an actual make out session" I heard Tim say sarcastically.    

               Me and Ross didn't say anything else, we just stared at one another. "S-sorry about that. . ." Ross said finally, sounding shy. "Don't be" I breathed back.

A/N I'm proud of what I've written. I think this might be the best chapter so far. Pretty lengthy too, might I add. Anyway, hope you enjoyed! I'll write the next chapter whenever I find time to. 


I Want to Tell You (Mithzan x Ross)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon