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A/N I like how everyone caught my nod to Rhett and Link in the last chapter. Also, yeah, we're really going downhill here with the chapter titles. I said I was bad. I warned you. Also, holding off on the sex scene for one more chapter. The next one it should be expected. I promise. But anyway, I hope you enjoy <3                                                                       ~Cheela_writes  

--------------------( Max's POV )------------------

               I stared at the road and drove with a sigh. I would glance to my right every-so-often to see my slumbering boyfriend, arms resting in his lap, eyes closed, and his glasses slowly sliding off his face. I laughed with a smile, but it soon faded away. "You don't seem so happy, what's wrong?" I heard Tim ask me. I looked into the rear-view mirror to see his worried expression stare at me. I sighed, "I guess I'm just a little under the weather". Tim looked at me and gave way to a little smile. "Do you think it's because Ross isn't awake to make you smile?" he asked. I glanced away from Tim's face to look at the road. It was a red light, so I stopped and met Tim's gaze. "Most likely" I answered finally. He hummed a little chuckle before turning to look out the window. "Ross, why are you so cute, yet such a tease?" I muttered quietly to myself. I kinda wanted to wake up the sleeping light brunette, but he probably wouldn't like being woken up when there was no reason for me to. I then shook my head and turned from Ross to watch the traffic. I was in a line of cars at a stoplight. I sighed with irritation. "Fucking traffic. . ." I groaned. "What's the hold up?" Tim asked. "Stoplight." I answered dully. "Also, there's like ten million cars ahead of us" I over exaggerated. "No there's not, I'd say that there's like ten at most" Tim replied, gazing out at the road. I sighed irritably and rolled my eyes, "Well, then ten cars should try to haul ass" I groaned. "You really want to get home don't you?" Tim asked, a skeptic smile on his lips. "Of course I do! Ross, I just. . . I want to get home so I can have Ross to myself" I replied honestly. Tim nodded and breathed out a laugh.       

                                  I sighed and stared out at the dull world. I looked up at the sky to see that there were more gray clouds than before. The sky was painted a dull gray, clouds of all sizes nearly covering every corner of the sky as far as the eye could see. "It's probably gonna rain soon" Tim stated, not diverting his sight from the outside world. I sighed with anger, Ross wasn't awake so I couldn't talk to him, I was upset with traffic, and it was about to rain. "T-to think today would be great and seamless, and it all went fucking downhill" I said, trying to smile. I really just wanted to get home to have Ross give me his comforting touch. "Hey, the cars are moving!" Tim exclaimed. I instantly bolted up and took hold of the wheel again. "Thank God. . ." I muttered, beginning to move the car again. We then took off, moving as quick as the speed limit would allow. "Wow, you're wasting no time with this" I heard Tim comment. I turned to snap back at Tim when he shouted for me to look back at the road. "MAX!! W-WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING!" he shouted urgently.

                       I turned back to see a forest that was next to the road getting closer at a rapid pace. I closed my eyes tightly and tried to swerve the car to get back on track. I thought it was too late. The image of mine, Ross', and Tim's lifeless bodies flashed in my mind. I felt small tears struggle free from my eyes.

                      The car stopped. I had put on the breaks. I opened my eyes to see everything was okay. Ross was sleeping like a tired cat, Tim was shocked and scared, but was fine. "I was terrified" I was finally able to breathe. My heart was pounding. I could've lost my love, my life, and my friend. "Max, . . it's okay. We're fine. Just pay attention from now on" Tim tried to reassure me. I nodded guiltily and put the car back in motion. I noticed that I had put on the brakes right before we would have rammed into the ditch. I sighed with slight relief. "I'm so sorry. . . I could've lost all of you. . ." I sighed, I could feel my tears begging to spill, but I stayed strong. "It's fine, we're fine, everything's all right. Don't beat yourself up about it Max" Tim said in a comforting tone. "I should fucking die for putting your lives in danger, I'm so. . . I'm sorry" I felt my tears break through, blurring my vision. "No. I'm sorry for distracting you. It was my fault, and I'm sorry. I'll be quiet now" Tim apologized. I sighed and looked at Ross, "Can I have a moment?" I asked, glancing at Tim. He nodded, "Take all the time you need. I can only imagine what you're feeling right now." he replied. I then sighed and rested my face in Ross' hair, my tears wetting his head. "Thank God you're safe. . . I don't know what I'd ever do if I lost you. ." I muttered, breathing in deeply, taking in as much of Ross' scent as I could. I then shook away the feeling of sadness and wiped the tears from my eyes. Sitting up, I moved to grip the wheel. "You better now?" Tim asked me worriedly. "Tim, it'd be best if you didn't mention it" I sighed, trying to push away my sad and scared thoughts. 

I Want to Tell You (Mithzan x Ross)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu