Senseless Fluff

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A/N I'm not good with titles. So don't judge. Also school has kept me from uploading earlier today, sorry. But! I have a question. I was going to make this one a smut, but decided not to. So, should I write a few more fluff chapters then a smut? Just wondering. because I was admittedly very tempted to make this chapter smut. But I think I might hold off on it. But what do you think? Anyway, I've wasted enough of your time, read and please enjoy!                            ~Cheela_writes   

---------------------------------( Max's POV )-------------------------------

                              I unbuckled myself and gave Ross a playful shove. "Hey, we're home babe" I say to him, grabbing his attention. He turned to me and yawned. "I'm tired, man" he sighed. "Well, we're home, so it's okay" Tim answered for me. I sighed, "Tim, don't you be trying to cheer up my boyfriend. He's mine." I growled. "It's fine, Max." Ross said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "I know, I just want you-", "I know." Ross interrupted me. He smiled at me gingerly, not caring about the red rising to his cheeks. I smiled back. "Guys, sorry to ruin your family reunion but, we should go inside now" Tim advised, eyeing me and Ross down through the rear-view mirror. "Oh, yeah." I realized, turning from Ross to exit my side. I opened the door and stepped out. Ross stepped out and tapped on his window, trying to get my attention. I knelt down to look through my window to see Ross making funny faces on the other side of the car. I began to laugh. "What's so funny?" I heard Tim asked whilst he stepped out of the car and closed the door with a slam. "Fuckin' Ro- haha" I continued to laugh. "Ross" I took in a deep breath, in hopes of calming down. "Oh. Ross, what did you do?" Tim asked the light brunette. "Things." Ross answered dully, barely being able to keep a straight face. "Oh, I see. That was a very detailed description you just gave" Tim mocked. "I know" Ross nodded, sounding very truthful. I was struggling not to laugh. "Let's head in before I get a stroke from laughter" I said, beginning to head towards the door. "No, you don't get a stroke, you become an orangutan" I heard Ross comment from behind me. "Fuck off." I say back. Ross chuckled in return. 

                I stood and waited for Tim to open the door, since he had the keys. Ross and Tim joined me at the door and Tim unlocked it. We all stepped inside.

            I ran and jumped onto the couch. "Well, someone's happy" Ross said casually. I hummed in agreement to Ross' statement. I sat up quickly to see Tim close the door after he had entered.  As well as Ross walking towards me. "You wanna sit?" I asked him as I patted the cushion beside me. Ross nodded and took the seat. "Should I leave you two alone now?" Tim asked from, what sounded like the kitchen. "Yeah, it'd be great if you could" I answered. "Okay. See you lovebirds tomorrow" Tim said whilst walking away. I watched Ross, he seemed to be waiting until the sound of Tim walking away had ceased. A moment longer and I heard Tim walk into his room and close the door. Ross turned to me with a smile and a curious look. "What do you want to do? After our date, I've just been in a really good mood" he told me. I looked to the side as I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I had something in mind. . . but I wasn't really sure if I should be blunt. Eventually, I thought, fuck it. I turned to Ross. "So. . . what do ya wanna do?" he asked again. "Ross~ I kinda wanna try something. . . different. Something that'll pleasure you~" I husked into his ear. "M-Max? I-I know I tried to make that move earlier with you, but I'm not sure if I'm ready for that just yet" he spoke shyly. "It's okay, Ross. I understand. We'll do it. . ." I trailed off, waiting for him to answer. "Eventually." he finished. "Just not now. Sorry if you really felt like fucking me after our date." Ross apologized bluntly. I nudged him playfully, "Ross, you know me too well".  "Yeah, well, I've had a crush on you for a long time. You'd think by now, I'd have you figured out completely" Ross replied. I shrugged, "True." I agreed. 

I Want to Tell You (Mithzan x Ross)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora