Returning To The Offices

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A/N So, that last chapter was long. This one is shorter. But, as the title states, they return to their familiar territory; the offices. Also sorry if the last chapter was so long that you expired of old age, I just wanted to type a lengthy- and good, chapter. But anyway, I wasted enough of your time, please enjoy~                                                                ~Cheela_writes

-------------------------( Ross' POV )----------------------  

          We walked along, the cold breeze sending shivers throughout our unprotected bodies. "We should've brought our jackets" I sighed, glancing towards Max. "Well, I was hoping that we'd make it there and back before nightfall" Max stated. I nodded and looked around. The sky was almost black and was covered with a blanket of stars. "Hey Max, what time is it?" I asked in hopes of getting a reply. "I have no fuckin' idea, but it's late and cold and I want to go home" Max said with frustration in his voice. I went silent and glanced around, many people seemed to be asleep- well, I couldn't blame them, it was probably 2 am by now. "Max, I'm tired" I said with a yawn. "Me too. But we fuckin' took so long to get there and back" he sighed. "Hey, I still had fun" I told him. Max smiled at me and winked, "What part was fun? What we did on the Ferris wheel or everything else?" he asked with a smirk. "Everything~" I smiled at him. He laughed and we continued walking along, regretting leaving our jackets.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

                     We arrived at our apartment complex and sighed with relief."Home, thank God! I thought I was going pass out from exhaustion!" Max said happily. I looked over at the joyful ginger and nudged him, earning his attention. "What?" he asked. "Tim is probably going to be asleep, so we should be quiet" I advised. Max rolled his eyes and nodded, "Why can't we be as loud as we want?" he asked, purposely raising his voice. I placed my index finger over his mouth, "Because we don't want Tim to be on our asses" I muttered. I then removed my finger and planted a kiss where it was. "Now, you first m'lady" I dipped my head and opened the door, moving out of the way so Max could enter. The ginger stepped in, grabbing my hand and dragging me with him. "You're coming with me." Max said with determination. But I had to stay back for a moment to close the door. I had struggled free from Max's grip just to shut the door. Now that's dedication. "Ross, get over here" Max sighed, grabbing me again. Since I closed the door, I let him pull me along. We arrived at our place and entered without a word. Max let me go so he could close the door. "It's great to be back" I sighed, glancing around and taking in the warmth. "Yeah, plus we get to sleep" Max chimed in from behind me. I turned to him and nodded. "Let's sleep separately tonight" I recommended, to hear Max whimper in response. "But why?" Max asked, making puppy eyes. "So we can wear our own clothes instead of borrowing each other's" I replied with a sigh. "Why can't I just bring some of my clothes to your room?" Max inquired. I looked to the side and thought for a moment. "I mean, you can if you want" I said with a shrug. "So I am, if that's okay with you" Max told me. I nodded and headed towards my room. I yawned and opened my door before sluggishly walking in. 

                        I collapsed onto my bed and sighed. My eyes began to droop instantly, but I refused to sleep just yet. I sat up and stripped until my boxers were the only thing on me. I tossed my clothes to my laundry basket- but some missed, and I was too lazy to get up and manually put them away - so I just left them there. Laying back down, I got under my covers and waited for a few moments. Max? I was starting to get worried. I tried to stay awake for a few more moments. Eventually Max did enter my room, clothes in hand. I watched him place them near my closet before stripping and throwing the clothes he was wearing into my laundry basket. "I'm here narwhal~" he cooed. I watched him slide into the bed with me. "Ross, you forgot to take your glasses off" he smiled at me, removing my glasses and placing them on my bedside table. "Thanks Max" I murmured, snuggling close to him. I felt Max wrap his arms around me and pull me close. "No problem narwhal~" he husked. I then began to nod off. My eyes drooped shut and my breathing began to slow down. I fell asleep with Max cuddling me.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~        

               A thud on my door awoke me from my slumber. "Wake up guys! Adam is waiting!" Tim's voice called from beyond the door. "Max. . .We have work today. . ." I nudged the ginger. Max fluttered his eyes open and glanced around tiredly. "Woorrrk. . ." he groaned. I laughed and got out of my bed. "Max, take my charity" I said as I threw his clothes at him. He sat up only to be pelted in the face with his own attire. "Ross, stop" Max said in a calm yet warning tone. "Take your shoes too!" I was a rebel, so I threw them at Max too. But Max caught them and stared at me with an unamused look. "Ross, I'll give you ten seconds. . .one. . ."

                 I started to quickly throw on an outfit, granted the colors didn't clash well because I was in a hurry. "Two. . .Three. . ." Max kept counting at a steady pace. I tried to buckle my pants, but Max seemed to disregard the rules now. "Four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, and ten. Ross!" Max got up and pinned me to the wall by my arms. And since I was trying to buckle my pants, they fell to the ground. "Max, I was doing something" I told him blandly, holding his stare. "Yeah, well, it's your fault for hitting me with my clothes" Max growled. "But it was funny. . ." I trailed off. "Just finish getting dressed so we can go to work" Max sighed, letting me go. I nodded and pulled up my pants to buckle them. With that done, I put on my Crocs. "I'm done Maxxy~" I cooed, walking over to my boyfriend who was still getting dressed. Just to annoy him, I swatted at him, making it nearly impossible for him to pull up his pants. "Ross, I swear to fucking God, if you don't stop!" Max swatted back at me. It then turned into a cat fight. "Max~" I said with a giggle. "Ross!" Max started to sound annoyed. I then stopped before Max started threatening to hit me. "I'm just gonna wait in the living room. When you're done, you can meet me there" I said finally. I then left Max to get dressed, walking out of my room and into the living room. Tim was sitting on the couch. "Hey Ross! You finally decide to get ready for work? Because I swear I was knocking on your door for a while" Tim stated. I looked to the side with blush, "I was still cuddling with Max and having sweet dreams then I guess" I answered. Tim chuckled and got off of the couch. "Is he coming to join us anytime soon?" Tim asked, now leaning against the door. I just shrugged. "He should-", "I'm here guys! Let's go" Max interrupted, as if on queue. "Finally!" Tim said with impatience before pushing open the door and walking out. Me and Max followed close behind him.

                   We stepped out into the world and headed towards our car. "Man, I miss home already" I heard Max sigh. "Me too Max, me too" I agreed, looking back at our complex. "But the fans would be angry if we missed uploading a video. Also, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but, we also have to tell the fans about us today. . ." Max trailed off. I felt my heartbeat quicken at Max's reminder. "Do we have to?" I asked with reluctance. "Sadly yes. Because you know you can't just keep it a secret forever" Tim pointed out. I sighed and nodded. "I'm driving today so, Max, keys please" Tim asked. Max tossed him the keys and went near me. "Me and Ross will sit in the back" Max told Tim. "Okay, but please be nice enough to not fuck while you're back there" Tim asked. Me and Max laughed before nodding and sitting in the back. I looked out the window and waited for us to start moving. Eventually, we left the driveway and went out on the road.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Lapse~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

                "Well, we're back Ross! We're gonna have to start working again" Max stated. I nodded and began to unbuckle myself. "I know, I feel bad for you two because you won't be able to have that many make out sessions and stuff" Tim said with slight sarcasm. "Whatever, you're just jelly of us" I said in reply. I saw Tim roll his eyes in response before he too, unbuckled himself. We then stepped out of the car and headed towards the office building's doors. "We shouldn't be late today. Now let's try to keep it that way" Tim stated. I nodded and opened the door for them, letting them walk in ahead of me. We then raced up the stairs and went to our - well, I went to my recording room, Max and Tim went to their editing stations.

A/N I feel like my brain has been fried. Like, I kept getting writer's block whilst writing this. At any rate, I hope you enjoyed my attempt at writing with the attention span of a fly. Like I'm serious, I kept getting off track, and the fact that my brain has internally exploded didn't help. Anyway, I hope my brain can prepare itself the next time I feel inspired. And finally, thank you for reading, and I'll write more when my brain can function. Bye~                           ~Cheela_writes

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