Back to Work

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      ( NO ONE COMMENTS. It's sad. I at least want to know if you like my  story :'(. Anyway, enough about my depressing life, just read on I guess. No one's stopping you )              ~Cheela_writes

-----------------------Ross' POV------------------( after the events in 'Crotch Faceplant'. The next morning)

                       I heard a knock on my door, telling me to wake up. I sat up and remembered the events from last night, I looked down, I definetly remember having private time with my hand after that. "Ross, quickly. I'm waking you up early today because I'm not risking being late" Max yelled from behind the door. I got out of bed to get dressed. Today I wore a button up shirt, that I could unbutton if I so desired, as well as beige shorts. I stepped out of my room to see Max walk into the bathroom to take a shower. I remember every time Max would take a shower, he'd forget his clothes he was going to wear for work, resulting for him to walk out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around him. I smiled. I then woke up from my thoughts by Tim. "Hello! Anyone in there?  You thinking about a naked Max in the shower?" Tim said. I turned to him, "Thanks, now I HAVE that image in my mind" I say, unamused. He laughed. "Why the fuck did you not ask the man out? I had it set up so well. You, looking as if you were going to give him a blow job, and Max, looking uncomfortable but secretly enjoying your drool- it was perfect!" Tim said to me. I shrugged, "One thing led to another and I just couldn't do it". "Ross-", "I swear I'll say something to him at work, I promise" I interrupted Tim. "You better, because at this point, you two just seem hungry for each other" Tim said, I knew he was right, I had to say something. "I know . . . " I sighed. "I mean, honestly Ross, is it really that hard to approach someone and ask them out?" Tim asked.

"No . . . "

"Then why are you having so much trouble?"    

"I-I don't know"

"Listen Ross, I'm sorry if I'm like stressing you out over this, but you really need to say something to him" Tim said in an apologetic manner.

"I'll try to today"

"Good. Now get ready for work. I'm not being late again, do you have any idea how much time it took to edit since we got there late?"

                     I smiled and nodded.  "Well, what're you waiting for?" Tim asked. "I need him to get out of the shower so I can brush my hair and ect." I answered. "You just want to see him walk out half- naked with a towel don't you?" Tim asked, smirking. "Kinda, but in all seriousness, I need to brush my hair. It's a mess" I said honestly. "True, true." Tim agreed.

                        We waited and I stood, leaned against the wall near my room. I glanced at Tim, who was all ready. He smiled at me. All the sudden, the sound of the shower stopped, followed by a "CRAP! I FORGOT MY CLOTHES!" from Max. I snickered a little bit. I walked over to the bathroom door and knocked, "You okay in there?". "No, I left my clothes in my room. C-can you get them?" he asked me from behind the door. "Sure" I replied as I left to walk into Max's room. I picked up the jumble of clothes on his bed and headed back to the bathroom. "I'm back" I said, still holding the clothes. "Can you open the door for me? My hands are full" I ask. I wait for a few brief moments before I hear the door click and slowly open. Max greeted me, a towel wrapped around his waist and small droplets of water sparkling on his body. "Thanks. Now if you don't mind, I have to change" He said before closing the door. I had just realized that I was staring at him and madly blushed. "Surprised you didn't get a nosebleed" I heard Tim say on his way over to me. I smiled shyly, "Yeah . . . "

     He laughed.

--------------------------Time Skip to da Offices---------------------

--------------------------Adam's POV---------------------------

                     I looked around, it seemed as if Ross, Max, and Tim were late again. Or, maybe I spoke too soon, they walked in, 7:00 on the nose. "We're here! On the dime! You can't say we're late this time" I heard Tim say as he approached me. "You're free this time" I admit. "Fuck yeah! No make-up work!" Max exclaimed. "Yeah, you're lucky this time" I chime in. "Now shut-up and go to your offices" I ordered. "Fine" Ross agreed, leaving to walk to his office. "Tim!" I called after him. The others had left to their work areas except me and Tim. "Yeah, what is it?" he asked.

"Sooooooo, about last night? You never really told me what happened"

"Oh yeah, well, I got my timing perfect. Ross landed- face on crotch, it was beautiful. He was drooling too. Oh, you should have been there, it was great"


"Yep. Truly a beautiful sight"

                   I sighed and released some sort of exasperated laugh. "Oh my God. Wow, did you take a quick pic?"

"No. I couldn't at the time."

           "What are you recording today anyway?"

"Just some GTA, maybe some GMod, and Minecraft, you know, the usual"

"Make sure to watch that ginger and Ross, okay?"

"Oh, you know I will"

A/N( UGH, I'm tired. Sorry if this chapter seemed short. I'm just kinda out of it at the moment. But I hope you enjoyed, and SOME feedback plz? Is that too much to ask? Anyway, bye for now)   ~Cheela_writes

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