A Date Sounds Nice

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A/N I mean, what more can I say. A date does sound nice. Please enjoy <3                  ~Cheela_writes

---------------------------------( Max's POV )--------------------------------

                    "You said it was too early in our relationship for that kind of behavior" Ross said, looking at me with nervousness and embarrassment. I smiled at the thought. "Sometimes rules don't apply" I simply told him. His face was now the reflection of a tomato. He was quiet, looking off to the side and thinking. His face had many shades of red and pink across his cheeks. "That's not what I have in mind. . . but I don't mind doing that. . ." Ross trailed  off, sounding shy and embarrassed. I pecked his cheek and gave him a hopeful smile. "I'll show you what I mean after work" He said. I smirked at him. He looked away, blush growing deeper.

              I was almost done editing the last video for today, and with an hour to spare. "I'm almost done, Ross. You know what that means~" I sang happily. He looked at me with curiosity. "No I don't. What does this mean?" Ross asked, adjusting his glasses slightly. "It means I can spend the rest of the day with you~" I cooed. Ross smiled and hugged me tightly."This is my enthusiastic Max Time face" Ross said whilst burrowing his face into my chest.  "Max Time? I like it" I said with a laugh tugging at my voice. Ross then let go of me and looked into my eyes. "That means I can show you what I mean by 'showing you how much I love you'!" Ross said with a joyful smile. "Yeah, what do you mean?" I asked curiously. "I can't tell you, it'd ruin the surprise" Ross told me before getting up and leaving. "Hey! Where you going?" I called after him. "Going to get my surprise ready!" he returned without stopping.

                             "He just wants to be nice and do something for you" Tim chimed in. I turned to him and nodded. "He doesn't have to though." I said while watching Ross walk off. "But I want to" Ross answered before turning a corner and leaving sight.  I smiled kindly and closed my eyes. I didn't fall asleep, I waited in silence.

---------------------------( Adam's POV )-------------------------

                I sighed and typed away on my keyboard. "Hey, Adam can I ask you something?" a voice asked from my doorway. I glanced to see Ross walk towards me. "Sure." I told him as I pulled out another chair for him. He sat down with a serious look. "Umm, since you've been with Alesa for a while. . .  and because I want to be nice to Max. . . where should I take him to for a date? What place do you think he'd like?' Ross asked me. "Well, what do you think would impress him?" I asked Ross in return. "I-I don't know. That's why I'm asking you" Ross replied. "How about. . . you take him to the mall. You two could eat in the food court, look around, and shop. It's nothing fancy but, Max will probably just love having your company" I suggested. Ross looked around with uncertainty. "Come on Ross, where's that confidence?" I asked, trying to give Ross a little push. "Not here." Ross answered bluntly. I shouldn't of, but I laughed. "Ross, just wing it. You're good at that" I told him. He nodded, "Yeah, I guess I am."

                              "Th-thanks Adam. Now, I gotta go, I have a ginger to impress" Ross told me, getting up with new found confidence. "Good luck, man" I wished. He exited my office with a nod. I went back to what I was doing, hoping that things went well for Ross.

------------------------------( Ross' POV )---------------------------------        

                               I went into my office to grab my brown coat. I threw it on and fixed my hair a little bit. I felt ready. I hurried back to Max. Max looked as if he were sleeping. I crept up to him and tapped his shoulder. He didn't move. I booped his nose, he giggled and opened one of his eyes. "I won't asleep." he told me, smiling. He looked at me with both eyes open and seeming confused. "Oh, are you wondering about my jacket?" I asked him. He nodded. "I just wanted to look nice for our- I mean, I'm wearing it because I got cold" I nearly gave away my surprise. Max smiled at me, "You're bad at lying" he said bluntly. I looked away with blush. "If you want to know what your surprise is, I'd follow me" I advised. I grabbed his hand and pulled him along. We went down the stairs, out the doors, and to our car. We reached the car and Max turned to me. "Hey, don't look at me! I'm not the one who can drive" I said, raising my hands in defense. "But, then you'd need to tell me where to drive, ruining your surprise" Max pointed out. "Shit." I said aloud, making Max laugh at my failure."Uh, how about we walk? We need to exercise anyway" Max suggested. I nodded with defeat. "This is supposed to be my surprise for you, yet I can't even do it right" I sighed. "Hey, don't beat yourself up over it" Max told me with a nudge. I nodded and walked on.

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