Chapter 3 (sleepover)

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I turned my head away because I was embarrassed as well, very embarrassed. I couldn't comprehend what exactly happened because it happened so quickly. Asriel put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me into his arms and held me close. I looked back up at Asriel.
"Um so did you like that kiss at all earlier?" Asriel asked me.
"Y-yeah I did actually.. Quite a bit to tell the truth," I told him.
"Yes!!" Asriel said and then putting on a big smile.
I blush once again and then look at the clock and realizes that Toriel will be home in about 15-20 minutes.
"Oh you're mom will be home soon," I tell Asriel.
"Oh, well I guess we should stop doing stuff like this for now and play a game or something like this," Asriel tells me.
"Ooooh what game should we play?" I asked.
"Let's play a card game like... War.... Or yeah let's play war," Asriel suggests.
"Ok sounds like fun," I smile and go to get the cards .
I get the cards out and start putting them down and distributing them.
"I'm home," Toriel said walking inside with groceries.
Asriel takes some cards and then I do afterward.
"K mom," Asriel replied.
I put down a 5 and Asriel puts down and 5 as well. I put down four more cards: 6,3, jack and an ace. Asriel puts down: 7,3,8 and a king.
Asriel got all the cards and I already lost big time.
"Congrats," I told Asriel.
"Thanks," he says and winks.
Toriel walks up and walks into the bedroom.
"I'm gonna bake some cinnamon butterscotch pie, when it's ready get some," Toriel says and walks back down stairs.
"Hey Frisk since I won you have to kiss me again," Asriel said and chuckled.
"U-Um ok," I replied.
I scoot over and peck his cheek and then scoot back to where I was.
"I like winning," Asriel said and blushed a bit.
"You're also pretty good at it," I say and wink chuckled a bit.
Asriel Grins and then gets up and pulls me up along with him. He pulls me over to the couch and holds me in his arms while nuzzling my face. My face turned the color of a cherry and Closed my eyes because this was pretty...... Hot. Soon he stopped and giggled. I smiled a bit still having a bit of blush.
"PIE IS DONE!!!!!!!" Toriel yelled.
We both stumble out the door and downstairs to see the pie cooling off on the counter. I grabbed a plate and fork and put a slice on my plate and sat at the table. Asriel also got a plate and a slice of pie and then say right next to me. I proceeded to take a bite and when I did it tasted so good, even better then how it did in the underground.
"How is it Frisk?" Asriel asked me.
"Like the best thing I've eaten in my life!" I said stuffing my face with more.
Asriel smiled and continued to eat his. I finished up, put my plate in the sink and then ran upstairs into Asriel's room. I put a pillow down on the couch and then I laid down relaxing. Not to much longer Asriel came up.
"You're not gonna sleep there," Asriel said.
"Then where am I gonna sleep?" I asked.
"With me," Asriel said blushing a bit
"I mean it would be more comfy then the couch," Asriel said trying not to make it awkward.
"O-ok I guess that's true, I will," I reply.
"Ok good!" Asriel said smiling.
Asriel climbs into his bed and then I climbed in beside him. He puts the cover over us and then we just lay there quietly for a bit.
"You comfy?" Asriel asks.
"Yeah it is very comfy," I reply.

I'll continue in the next chapter

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