Chapter 16

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Asriel lays on top of me sleeping and I looked at him while he slept. He was so cute when he slept and he was sleeping on me which was even cuter. Asriel was snoring and I pet his head as he slept.

I looked back up at the sky and thought about what it would be like to be live with Asriel...... We could see eachother everyday and we could give eachother kisses whenever we wanted.
We could also cuddle and make out... I blush of my thoughts and I just look Asriel again.

"Asriel," I say a poke him

"W-wha...." Asriel says and looks at me

"OH I'm so sorry Frisk that I rolled over onto you," Asriel says and panics a bit

"It's ok, it was cute," I reply and smile

Asriel blushes and hugs me.

"So are we gonna go to my place soon?" Asriel asks me

"Yeah whenever we're ready," I reply

Asriel gets up

"Lets go!!" Asriel says excitingly

I pick up the blanket and Asriel runs over and picks me up and starts walking

"You really do like holding me don't cha?" I asked and giggled

"Yus," Asriel replied and smiled

"You're just so adorable and when I hold you it just feels like you are mine," Asriel says and chuckles

"Awww," I respond

After a bit we reach the front of his house and he sets me down.

Asriel knocks on the door and Toriel opens it and we walk in.

"So how was your sleep over Asriel?" Toriel asked

"It was great," Asriel responded

"Oh um mom... I have a question," Asriel said

"Oh what is it," Toriel asked

"Can F-frisk live with us?" Asriel asked

Toriel looked at us both and then looked away

"I um... We don't have any room for Frisk to stay," Toriel responds

"He can stay up with me in my room mom," Asriel said

"Um idk if that's a good idea, do you really want to share a room?" Toriel asked

"Yes I don't mind," Asriel said

"Do you mind sharing a room Asriel?" Toriel asked me

"No not at all and at my house I'm lonely so this would be better," I replied

"Then I'm ok with it," Toriel replied

"But I think we'll wait a few days to start moving," Toriel added

"You two can start rearranging though and then we'll be all good for you to move in," Toriel finished saying

I hugged Toriel

"Thank you!!" I told her excitingly

"No problem Frisk," she replied

"Ok I'm gonna go make some pie for you two so you two can go have fun," Toriel said and walked into the kitchen

Asriel and I ran up into the bedroom and started looking at stuff to move around.

"Hmmm we can move the couch over to the other side of the room," Asriel suggested

"That sounds good," I replied

We both start moving the couch to the other side of the room and that couch was pretty heavy. Once we got the couch over to the other side we sat down and took a break.

"And since we moved the couch your bed will go there," Asriel said

"Oh but actually I'll be sleeping with you," I say and wink

"Haha yeah," Asriel replied

We both blushed to the thought

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