Chapter 17 part 1

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I lay on the couch tired

"Aww someone's sleepy," Asriel said

"Haha... Yeah I'm kinda tired," I reply

"Come here," Asriel tells me

I walk over to Asriel

Asriel kisses me

I blush and kiss him back

"I might have to go home pretty soon Asriel," I tell him

"W-what... I will come with you," Asriel replied

"I don't think your mom will let you," I told him

"No.... I'm gonna miss you," Asriel said and teared up

"Asriel.. I'm just gonna be packing. I'll see you again tomorrow cutie," I replied

"B-but still I will miss you so much!" Asriel said and started crying a bit

"Asriel...."  I said

I hugged him tight

Asriel sobs

"You'll be alright," I say and smile

"No I won't," Asriel replied

"It's ok I'll be back tomorrow and I'll be moved in and then you will see me all the time sweetie," I tell him

"O-ok but you need to call me," Asriel told me

"I will," I told him

I get up and start going down stairs

I can here Asriel still sobbing up in his room

I kept walking till I got downstairs and then I walk towards the door

"Oh are you leaving?" Toriel asks

"Yeah I'm getting ready to leave and pack," I tell her

"Well alright if you need help just tell us," Toriel said

Asriel runs downstairs

"Why don't I go over and help," Asriel told his mom

"I don't know if he needs help," Toriel told him

"He can come with me if he wants," I told her

"Do you want to go?" She asked Asriel

"Yes!!!!" Asriel said excitingly

"Ok well have fun," Toriel told Asriel

"Ok I will!" Asriel replied

I opened the door for Asriel and then we both walked down the sidewalk again

"I found a way to still see you my love," Asriel told me

"Aww that's so sweet!!" I tell him

"Just for you sweetheart," Asriel said and winks

We continue walking down the sidewalk while holding hands

I'll continue in the next chapter

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